1.First HTML document: Hi there! This outputs: Hi there! Simple enough, and you can type text to your heart’s content, but you can do more complex things if you put your mind to it. Besides, all that text with no formatting won't make the person reading the page too happy. What are the words between the < and >? The <> are called “tags.” means to “turn off” or “close” the tag and <> means to turn the tag on. For instance starts the html document and starts the html body(i.e. what is output to the screen!) Sometimes you can get away with not closing a tag at the end of a document, but most of the time you should make sure to. There are some tags that will not need to be turned off. Let’s look at these next. But remember, they are exceptions to the rule. Note: don’t worry about capitalization inside of tags, at least not for the simple ones. The exceptions later are more complex and get into JAVA/JAVAScript but we are focusing on HTML first. 2.Which tags don’t need to be closed/turned off?


are examples. The document Carriage return follows.
Two spaces below here.

Line below here.

is rather simple, but it looks as follows: Carriage return follows. Two spaces below here. Line below here. Now, you can create a home page with a minimally formatted essay or something. Not really exciting, but you can put out a lot of information. It's a good starting project. 3.Hey! Double spaces don’t work! What gives? Spacing is set up rather strangely in HTML. There’s a way to get around it. There are “entities” in HTML. That’s a fancy way to say, stuff that displays a character but you can’t hit that character exactly in HTML code.   Puts in an extra space > Greater Than sign < Less Than sign 4.I’m sick of typing in   for an extra space. Any way I can make it easier? Yes. Cut and paste. Highlight   and hit “copy” key, then hit the “paste” key. That’s ctrl-c and ctrl-v on windows, but apple-c and apple-v on Macintosh. Later on you’ll find you can cut and paste a lot more than just a backspace. In fact, cutting and pasting whole sections of code could save tons of time. 5.Maybe you want your document to have a title(that is what is in the top left corner of the “browser.” Jed’s Home PageHi there! This is my home page. Note the tag being turned on and off. It’s inside a <head> tag which we’ll discuss later. 6.What other simple tags are there? <b>This is in bold.</b> <I>This is in italics.</I> <u>This is in underline.</u> <i>This is in italics, with <u>underline</u> here.</i> Output: This is in bold. This is in italics. This is in underline. This is in italics, with underline here. Note: <b>This is bold, <u>bold underline,</b> and underline.</u> is illegal html. You have to close the <u> tag before you close the <b> tag. I will be leaving out the html and body tags from now on for HTML programming. If you wish to write your HTML program from text you should probably have a "ghost" file so instead of starting from nothing you start from the very basics. Something like <html><title>An html page will do, although eventually you may want to put a link back to your main page or a link for the viewer to mail to yourself as well. HTML won't do anything drastic if you place carriage returns oddly, although there may be some minor formatting problems. 7.Okay, okay, I’m sick of tags. How do you link stuff? With tags. Really(sorry!) There are relative and absolute links. Relative links point you to a file in the same directory, so if your file changes location, so does the link. Absolute links point you to a website. Absolute tag: Go to ESPN.com Relative tag: Go back to the index. 8.Great. Now how do we make pictures? The tag for this is --you need to have a *.gif or *.jpg file or your browser may not be happy—unless you have plug-ins, but that’s another issue. Basically this will create a picture if you have a file called picture.gif. 9.My picture’s a big question mark. What’s up? Make sure the file the img src is pointing to exists. If so, make sure "picture.gif" can be opened by other graphical applications. You may want to open it in your web browser. 10.What about text formatting? These pictures look very out-of-place, or just plain ugly. We’ll get to that later, but don’t worry, there’s a way to fix that. Basically, inside a tag you can set variables. The most wide-reaching one is inside the body tag. What does this do? Sets background color to red, text color to white, hidden(non-visited) link to green, and visited link(vlink) to yellow. Note: you have to decide for yourself what colors to use. Some combinations clash. 11.Are any other tags immediately useful? Yes. One of my favorites is the Note: