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Giant Spiders Giant Spiders. Although weak and slow, spiders take their toll : they poison, both on touch and by spitting venom from distance. Spiders have been known to carry a few goods.
Gremlins Gremlins. The blow of a gremlin in hardly felt, and he is not very hard to do it ; but beware, for he travelers in huge packs and he may leave you starving. The gremlin's ability to consume food at an inordinate rate is startling and dismaying. Once overcome he usually leaves some goods.
HeadLesses Headlesses. No one knows exactly how the senses work on these mutant abominations. Do they sense the world only through touch and feeling ? Or do they "see" with some inner vision ? Whatever the answer, these relatively strong creatures are fairly enduring and do mild damage to their foes. They tend to carry goods with them.
Mimics Mimics. Masters of imitation, mimics make themselves so like treasures chests that many an adventure has met his doom trying to open one. Mimics have little courage and even less patience, tough so if one is willing to wait a few minutes just a few steps away from suspect chests, they are apt to reveal themselves by shooting poison. Close up, mimics bludgeon with strength and dexterity, doing unpleasant damage. Getting past their deadly deceptions can reveal fine treasure.
Reapears Reapears. The strange, magical creatures known as reapers are strong, enduring and do several damage by bludgeoning. Their weakness, if it can be called, is their immobility ; although their arms strike out about them, they cannot change locations. They throw magical bolts at distant foes. They also bludgeon nearby creatures with their thick tentacles. Reapers are quite hardy, but often worth the trouble : they hoard good booty.
Dragon Dragons. Strongest and most feared of creatures, dragons shoot extremely damaging magic fireballs and are nearly impossible to defeat. They can attack while in flight and may do in an entire party before it has a chance to engage in close combat. Killing a dragon, however, can earn the slayer great treasure.

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