The tables for the Interplanetary Spy walkthroughs are color-coded. The main information, which is the quickest(except in The Galactic Pirate) way to get through the game, is on the left-hand side of the table.
X-y indicates that page x tells you to turn to page y, and you have no choice.
Red means that you have a "death" ending. Too bad, Interplanetary Spy!
Green means that you go back to the beginning.
Blue indicates your mission ended. You weren't successful, but you didn't die.
Purple indicates you are in a choice that cycles back but not to the beginning.
Orange indicates a bad choice, but you still have a chance to redeem yourself. Sometimes you are automatically redeemed, i.e. you progress to the next puzzle anyhow.
White indicates one of several potentially OK choices. Not implemented yet.
In the second column a:b/c means that there is a choice at a between b and c. This is where things get confusing, but I just thought of this system a day ago(at the time of this writing.) Any suggestions are welcome.

These files were created with a C program that read in text and output HTML. One line corresponds to one table in the format.
Regular line:
12-17 x34 *Identify mirror image* 1
A space indicates that you shift to another cell, unless it is between asterisks(i.e. the third cell). Carriage return means a new line.
Letters before numbers determine the font color. A(abort) gives blue. B(begin) gives green. X gives red. R(retry) gives orange. C(cycle) gives purple.
Last line is formatted differently: 121  *The End* !
Note there are two spaces before *The End* leaving an empty column.
On my hard drive these files are stored as *.spy "spy format."

Running these through a C program gives HTML.

A side note for those interested in programming:

The comments at the end are added in another bunch of files *.sum, which is just a chunk of HTML without body/header tags. Eventually it'll be modified so that certain wild-card characters put out a lot of text, i.e. "#1" writes Find the Kirillian. I'll also want to produce "Puzzles:" and so forth automatically. I'm missing some details on string manipulation, though. Time to learn PERL!

The advantage of producing HTML automatically is that it's easier to re-format, and if all pages are wrong, I only have to fix one of them. I don't claim that my code's perfect(in fact, I won't post it until it's less shabby), but it's still a great time-saver, even over cutting and pasting. Hey, this is a high-tech gamebook series. It deserves high-tech treatment!

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