Here are pictures for every Interplanetary Spy book. I may rotate pictures in the future if I scan any more. I think GeoCities allows enough space for what I want to scan, but I'm not sure. Mail me with any suggestions or requests and I'll do my best!

(Note: ever since I found out that I was using 24-bit jpegs originally, I've found I can create a lot more pictures. And I'll do so when I can.)

I've tried to scan the most distinctive pictures I could find. For instance, Robot World has better overall pictures than The Space Pirate, but there are some really neat animals in The Space Pirate, and I am trying to post distinctive pictures here.

WARNING!!!! This contains a few spoilers, especially for Star Crystal.

Book 1: Find the Kirillian!
There are three pictures here.
This thing is called a Genrax.
You get laughed at for missing a puzzle here.
BLAM! Phatax(the Kirillian) in action!

Book 2: The Space Pirate
These guys are called Nishells.
This isn't the hi-tech job you've come to expect from your Spy Center assignments.
These Kasangas are upset you intruded.
Ugly henchmen like Larat Roz are stereotyped and stock characters, but they're very cool stock characters!
You seem to have made a bad first impression on the Biodroid!

Book 3: Robot World
Here is a listing of all the robot types.
Oops! You ran into Marko Khen's relatives here.
Who says technical types like Dr. Cyberg can't be wild and crazy guys?
Coming: pictures of individual robots.

Book 4: The Space Olympics
Gresh's Clones are happier about this meeting than you are.
This ending(from multiple puzzles) scared me when I was ten.
You and Andromeda meet an untimely demise here.
This ending can come from missing several puzzles.
These animals aren't part of the Olympics.
Coming: a picture of some olympic events.

Book 5: Monsters of Doorna
This book has lots of wacked-out monsters, but let's start with your x-wing, AKA your x-craft.
A giant slug roars at you here.
Here's something that looks vaguely like a Kasanga.
If you goof up, you get to see this thing.
You and the kayjay have a snack.
A plant-animal here.
A setali.
Dunno what this is, but it looks cool--even if it's poisonous.
A dragon in a cocoon.
A triangle-headed snake.
The kayjay zaps an eyeball.
A mini-dragon.
Here's a bumblebee with claws.
Here's a total spoiler, showing you the villain. You've been warned...

Book 6: The Star Crystal
There are eight pictures here. I would scan the whole book, but it'd take too much memory. I've got "only" 15 megabytes here.
Rolo, a fellow Spy.
Tunk in your living room!
What a guy! Callisto looks cool when he's happy...
...or when he's pissed.
Freeba is upset here. I mean, he usually looks upset, but...
Quarboss Tro looks a bit disdainfully at your spy chip...
...which is subtly different here.
<Drumroll>The criminal!</Drumroll>
Coming: a picture of Cicelia and some cool endings.

Book 7: Rebel Spy
You get caught sneaking into the Choons' city here.
Oscar the Grouch mutated or something, here.
Qubex shows off his badge here and shows off a diagram here.
Glorids and Choons and Ro-Zins, oh my!
Your spacecraft.
The Poddians.
Callisto looks sick. Or like he applied some Interplanetary Cut-Rate Lipstick.
Here Callisto takes out the trash!
Valeeta with her ogar and...someone else! (Potential spoiler)
This animal is a joujan.
Here's Callisto swinging from a vine. And it doesn't break!
Coming: a picture of Valeeta by herself.

Book 8: Mission to Microworld
The first is a faulty puzzle in my opinion.
The second is of conspiring rebels at a tavern.
The third shows you as a statue.
The fourth is of Electron's garden.
Coming: alphabet picture.

Book 9: Ultraheroes
Three pictures here.
The first is one where the Ultraheroes are laughing because you blew such an easy puzzle.
The second shows the Ultraheroes in a worse mood. Too much coffee, folks?
The third shows everyone getting hooked up with some ESP machine of Dr. Cyberg's.
Coming up: Tunk vs. Kort!

Book 10: Planet Hunters
A picture of your three adversaries.
Here Sarvala throws you out the trash chute, and here the others do similarly.
Gradak is shifty. Here he avoids your gun, and here he pulls down a trap on you.
Venya waters her plants here.
Here are some predatory monsters, along with a predatory plant.
Here are some island natives.
Here you show off a kung fu looking move on Sarvala.
Here is the cover for the book.
Coming: the bad puzzle with Venya's cube. Also Venya with her high-tech slingshot weapon.

Book 11: The Red Rocket
Three pictures here.
First is the latest in extreme galactic camoflague.
Second is a meeting with an oddly-named monster.
Third is a way wacked-out robot with one crazy looking gun.
Picture of Orbyn coming soon, even though he's not quite as cool.
"Hall of shame" picture of Callisto, too.

Book 12: Skystalker
There are two pictures here.
The First is of you, Daxon, and Skystalker.
The second is of Zillio.
Coming: Another picture or two.

These are copied without permission, so if anyone really wants me to take them down, I will...

Mail me with what you think!

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