The Crossing.
During this time, in another world an idealistic youth come upon a rock-bordered clearing surrounded by towering oaks, lost in the deepest forest. A silver medallion in the shape of a great serpent was in the circle.
As the young man picked up the medallion, it felt unusually warm.
Suddenly a door of blue light rose from the leaves. The young stared the gate and then stepped inside. |
The Door disappeared and autumn with it. Green fields now surrounded him. As he looked the strange new lands, he founded a wisp of smoke rising above a grove of trees in the distance, and headed towards it.
There he sighted a slender, bond man chopping wood. As the man looked up, the axe struck the wood awkwardly, glanced off, and open a gash in this leather clad leg.
The youth rushed forward to help, but the man just by touching his leg with his hand stopped the bleeding. The man stood up and smiled to the youth's amazement.
"Aye mek mye leg feelle na panne, and ayee haellede it, too. Aye ought ha'kwit myne axynge. But aye dinna ken tho'rt icumen"
The youth eyes grew huge, he actually understood his strange language. "But how did you heal your Leg?"
"Why, 'tis th' simplest of spelles. Nay ?"
Shamino was the man's name. That night the youth stayed at Shamino's house, where he told him from where he came from and what happened. Shamino astonished by the story believed the youth.
What again was the name of thy birthplace?" "Cambridge", the youth replied, "in the British Isles". Shamino thought for a minute "I like that. I shall call the British". The youth laughed but accepted his new name. |
For the following years British, expend his time looking for a way home, but only when he gave up looking when he discovered the way to made several journeys through the light gates. It is also said that he came with some close friends - Iolo the Bard and the knight Dupre.
As time passed the world travelers did almost not age, as it seems that a decade in Sosaria is equivalent to a single year of Earth.
Though the years British's deed demonstrated both wisdom and bravery, becoming the leader of a region of Sosaria, awarding the title of Lord British.