Creatures of the Land and Sky.

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Insect Swarms Insect Swarms. Pesty insects have little muscle or brain, but their tiny size lets them move quickly, dodging and feinting. They bite more often than they miss, but their sting does little damage. Once hit, all insects are easily squashed. Rare is the insect that delivers a fatal bite, but a swarm of thousands can mean death.
Bats Bats. These annoying creatures live by night, usually, and travel in flocks. Often their high pitched screech is heard before they are seen. Thought flighty and hard to hit, bats are not difficult to kill. As attackers they are relentless and vicious.
Giant Rat Giant Rats. Natural agility and sharp teeth are rats' chief advantages. They are not strong and do not hit very hard. The mortal danger rats pose to knights comes from their capacity for passing on noxious germs and substances. Seldom do knights tangle with rats without someone in the group becoming ill with poison. At worst, the result of such an encounter is infection with plague.
Snakes Snakes. Extremely poisonous and quite accurate when shooting their poison, both on touch and by spitting venom from a distance, snakes are otherwise relatively harmless. They are easy to destroy, once engaged directly.
Orcs. Orcs are often more annoying that dangerous to the seasoned adventurer, but they can be grave threat to the novice, especially when they travel in large groups or accompanied by a giant or two. Generally, they are fairly easy to defeat, do a modicum of damage if they hit, and carry meagre belongings
Trolls Trolls. Large misshapen humanoids that like to live underground, trolls are strong and dextrous and can cause moderate damage to their victims. Fortunately, they are not very enduring. Trolls tend to lie in wait to ambush unsuspecting travelers. Trolls like treasures and often carry some with them.

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