The Warriors of Destiny.
After the avatar retrieved the Codex of Ultimate Wisdom from within the Great Stygian Abyss, a violent seismic opened a path to a vast complex of caverns, the Underworld.
But the earthquake was not the only thing to be triggered... |
Lord British hearing the news about the underworld, guided a expedition to map the caves. After a long trip in the dark and deep caves, the restless party headed by British, confront the Shadow Lords.
Only one of the party survived to tell the happenings and to inform the realm that their mighty King had been captured to an unknown destiny.
To maintain control, Lord Blackthorn, a loyal Lord to British, took the control of Britannia. For a while Blackthorn prove to make a good job, but the plans of the Shadow Lords were other...
Possessed by the Shadow Lords, Blackthorn declared martial law and implanted Rules over the Ethics. The realm of Britannia become a tyranny
As time passed people against Blackthorn "ethics" and laws, begun to grow, begun group, building a resistance that endangered Blackthorn Power. |
With no idea how to return peace to Britannia, Lord Shamino, with aid of Iolo the Bard joined to summon the answer to their troubles. A blue gate brought the Avatar back to Britannia.
The Avatar assumed that the only way to return peace was defeating the Shadow Lords and rescue British. But his quest was not easy, as the Shadow Lords where in his pursuit.
Several times, the Avatar and his party faced the evil Lords, but they where to powerful to even stand a short defensive. But this did not last, as the Avatar found the way to vanish the Shadow Lords forever.
From the Underworld the Avatar retrieved the three fragments of the Black Jewel of Mondain that created the Shadow Lords. Lastly the Avatar summoned each Lord, by their true and dark name, and burned them into the flames of truth, love ad courage. |
With the aid of the Codex, the Avatar found his way in the Underworld to rescue Lord British from his prison of ether.
British returned to his throne, and exiled Blackthorne to an unknown World.
Peace and Freedom returned once again to Britannia...