The Black Gate.
III. The Avatar Justice.
The first step to follow the Avatar was to find the first generator, the sphere shaped, to free TimeLord from his prison.
To the destruction of the Generator, a small fragment of blackrock with a sphere shape survived. Time Lord explained that it was some kind of key for the destruction of the BlackGate.
Within the destruction of the generator, all moongates around Britannia where destroyed, now if the avatar would travel back home, he would have to use the same blackrock gate of the Guardian.
The second generator was one with a pyramid shape, the one that affected the wizards and gates. It location was given by Penumbra who could feel how it drawn all the ethereal power of Britannia.
But this time the Generator was not alone but guarded by a red powerful creature. Only with the aid of a glass sword the Avatar could smash the creature and destroy the Generator. From the Generator the Avatar got another blackrock key, know with a pyramid shape. The destruction of this Generation caused indeed the healing of all Wizards powers and minds |
As the Last Generator was in a hidden location, the Avatar infiltrated into the Fellowship, after being accepted by Batlin himself, the Avatar was sent in a meditation travel to an island located to the east of the Serpent's hold. There in a secret cave guarded by Fellowship Assassins the Guardian founded the Last Generator with the shape of a cube. This generator sent a highly frequency sound that smashed the ears and brains to anyone that approached to it. To avoid this defense the Avatar used some special Helmets, build from Candelitte, a strange material form a meteorite that fall in the mystic island of Ambrosia.
The Last Generator left down a cubic blackrock fragment that also made people to tell only the truth. With this tool the Avatar founded the Blackrock Gate location, in the Isle of the Avatar.
As a way to prepare himself to battle, the Avatar crafted a new and powerful weapon, the BlackSword. This magic sword made up of Blackrock proved to be the most dangerous of the realm. It power comes from a daemon, that is captured in a gem incrusted in the sword. Forged in virtue, the sword became the natural weapon for the Avatar. |
After fighting with legions of Fellowship warriors, beaten dangerous magic mazes, the Avatar got to the Chamber where as hidden the Gate.
In there the Avatar with his friends, faced Batlin, Elizabeth, Abraham and Captain Hook. |
Finally the Black Gate was Destroyed and the Guardian Stopped... for the moment.