The Avatar biggest fear become truth, as his life was on the hands of the Guardian. Trapped in the void after the joining of the serpents of Chaos, Order and Balance, the Guardian used his powers in the ether to trap the mighty hero. This could be the last time that the Avatar stop Guardian plans for the domination of Britannia. |
For some strange reason, he was not smashed or killed, but transported into another world dominated by the Guardian will. Saved by a humble Fisherman from the sea, the Avatar started his quest to return home. But the Friendship of the Fisherman was not exactly the most representative of the habitants of these lands. |
A Pagan society ruled the land, divided into four groups, each one dedicated to serve their rulers, the Titans. Titans of Earth, Air, Fire and Water struggled between each other into a fight to conquer the world. And with them the citizen of Pagan confront each other for a endless battle for Power |
In his quest for a way out, the Avatar started to discover the past of this world. Before the Titans, the people of this world, dedicated their live to honor their ancient warriors. One they everything changed as a huge red being from another dimension came to Pagan. It was indeed the Guardian that succeeded to arrive to this realm. But the people would never follow a being that wouldn't fight for them, as their tradition were to strong. The Guardian trick the people, he created 4 titans of the elements, each one feed with the energy of the people of pagan. Putting the word that a mighty superpowerfull being called the Guardian had created the four titans to fight against the evil red Invader. A huge and false battle was presented to the citizen of Pagan between the Titans and the Guardian. At last the Guardian flee of the world, leaving the titans in charge |
The Titans then started fighting each other, taking more power from the living creatures of Pagan (that would obviously get to the Guardian), and destroying everything at their feet. Only one Island survived the battle and the Titans returned to their elements to rest. The most conflictive, Hidra the titan of Water and Pyros the Titan of Fire where captured to stop future battles. |
- Pagan - |
Slowly the land of great warriors became one with no virtues or future. Soon the Avatar found an old wizard, the master of ether, ho knew a way to leave Pagan. For each Titan there was a blackrock Talisman that controlled them and give them power. The power of the four talismans could be canalized to a Pyramid shaped talisman, the Ether talisman |
- Pyros - |
This was the power to be the Titan of ether, enough to create a Black Gate to travel back to of this world through the void. The Avatar started his quest for the Talismans. With the aid of the ancient warriors, the Avatar succeeded in retrieving them. Soon the Avatar confronted each Titan with the talismans and defeat them |
At last the Avatar had the power to cast the Ethereal Travel Spell, and created the Black Gate. Before his eyes a black gate appeared, without a second thought the Avatar crossed gate, getting in the endless labyrinth of ethereal void |