Play, Magic and Combat Interface.

•Seether Dragon June 24, 1996 (Ultima Chat zone)
I have the following suggestions to U9:
1.Talking Interface
I would like to go back to the 'write in' mode for talking interface in ultima IX (as in U5) instead off the 'menu' mode(U7-u8), this can let you a lees lineal game, and most important, you can guess the answer, so you dont have to hear it from anybody.
In this way one have more participation in the conversation.
It could be olso nice to have both system running, as in Undwerwold I, in wich you have the differnt choices and one ot them says 'other' in wich you could write the key-word nedded
The magic should be with spellbook as in u7 but with the following changes:
You should be able to create new spells by mixing reagents and words off magic, and then write them on the spellbook
The imperative necesity to have some quick-key in the keyboard to use pre-selected spells for emergency situacion (in wich you can't wait to open the spellbook find the page, and use the spell!) as for battles.


The UIX Suggestions