Suggestion Summary.
(I hope some one in Origin sees this...)
Reading the last mail and post on the Suggestion sector I can summarize:
Great 3d Card
Support. Ultima IX is going for 3d hardware
only, so it must offer a with support for 3d cards. Wing
Commander Prophecy has a short list of official suported 3d
cards, we hope this will not the case of UIX.
Olso it is known the native support for Vodoo Chips, this is
nice, but it should be olso included navtive support for other
chips (as powerVR).
And last but not least, the 3d native for Vodoo should be for
speed, DONT INCLUDE graphics FX, that can be only enable with
3dfx. As in WC5 some effects like fog and other could only be
enabled with a 3dfx card, when it can be easilly supported by
other chips.
Compensation Game. It would
be a nice idea that the graphic engine could manage to incress o
decress polygon count or detail to mantain a certain frame rate.
No Arcade.
We don't want another MarioBros Ultima, Use Virtues ! Do not
give all tips in the game let us think not just follow the NPC
instructions. Do not transform it in a multimedia
so high requierments. Awesome graphics and sound without
needing a : Pentium II, a pair of Vodoo II, 64 mg principal
memory and more than 100 mg in harddrive.
Diferent Paths.
It would be nice olso if one could choose another path rather
that the one of the eight virtues, even to ally to the enemy,
this would provide much more reality to the game
Titles. If it is there speech, a title option for
foreign countries.
Complex Task.
We dont want an NPC telling me Do this, pick up that, go there...
We want to think the path, discover by ourselve the solution
(even invent one)
House. It
would be nice to have a house.
And if it is possible that you could ad a one's photograph (a bmp
file or something) in the Avatar portrait.
An intelligent,
present Party.
See Past npc as
Lord Blackthorn, Natasha and Dupre.
See the end of the
Release date :
before Christmas of 2001.
An easier,
complex, complete, magic engine.
Not to be the last
Ultima and Avatar story.
Some way to write
in the word to choose in chats (as in Underworld) so to guess
mysteries, plot and avoid linearity.
More interaction
and real life including banks (fully operation to deposit and
make money) , work (cooking, acting, fighting), relationships
(please Natasha back !), heoric acts (save a town from orcs
attacks), be in sometime an outlaw, and some normal life
aspects : eating, bathrooms, sleep, dream, etc.
What was there and seemed to be included:
Bags that
allow an easier way to find objects and to relocate them.
Quality Digital
Full Speech.
Some official
info. A publication in a Famous US game magazine (PC Gamer or
Computing Gaming World)