Eleonardo's UO Rares Site
(Many thanks to the Markee Dragon site, and those who post in the rares forum)
Pictures, General Spawn frequencies and locations, Unique Info and Prices!

Greetings, and NOTICE: *I have quit UO and sold both accounts on E-bay, if you see them they are not me. Also, I have no idea how accurate the priceguides will stay, as I have no way of logging in and checking for myself. However, if you would like me to keep this site updated, E-mail me a readable list with the name, current going price, location, and any other details you can provide of the item(s) and I will try and do my best to add the data and give credit for your submission.*

Choose a category:

Daily Rares and Semi-Rares (along with rare items that spawn on monsters)!
Updated 03-02-01 (Prices and New Items)

True Rares, Non-spawning rares, Monthly Rares!
Updated 2/15/01 (Prices)

Rare OSI Gifts!
Updated 01/11/01 (Prices & New Gifts)

NEW! Eleonardo's Forums!
Check it out! Updated 2/15/01

UO Links Page!

Get your UOAM here!, hosted by the Stratics site.

Sat Mar 15 2025 01:40:10 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Comments, Questions Suggestions?
E-Mail Me!

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