Factions - Athar

The Athar
(The Defiers, The Lost)

“The gods are frauds: the unknowable truth lies beyond the veil.”

  • Requirements: (100 cages) Go to the HQ and express your lack of faith, then destroy 3 holy icons (1 week of lessons).
  • Athar Organization: The Lost don’t have a very rigid structure. They are not a militaristic faction that thrives on politics and power-positioning—at least not within. Rank is determined mostly by level. Externally, however, the Athar are quite good at distributing pamphlets and other propagandistic tools—even better, by and large, than the Anarchists. Ranks in the faction are as follows: 1st level Athar are called Namers, just as they are in most other factions. These individuals carry out the more mundane of the faction activities such as the actual pamphlet distribution. At 7th level the Athar become known as Athaon Thirds. This promotion typically entails them to more faction benefits, such as more powerful divine aid (though not from a Power, naturally) and even access to the Athar magical vaults (many items at roughly 80% of market value). At 11th level they become Athaon Seconds and are of considerably more reputable standing. They typically lead propagandist excursions and even plan some of their own. Faction members of 16th level and higher are simply called Athaons and have access to the highest levels of faction operation. As effective factors, they plan most of the faction activities and go on the most dangerous and important faction missions. Athaons typically have servitors from all the other ranks of faction operation.
  • Restrictions: Can’t be priests of specific deities. In addition, a priest only would help an Athar in the direst circumstances. Course, no self-respecting Athar would let any toadie of a power touch him, anyway…
  • Skills: Class: Knowledge (Religion), Diplomacy, Intimidate. Gain 1 rank in Knowledge (Religion) and a +2 bonus to all checks with this skill.
  • Divine Resistance (Ex): +2 belief bonus to saves from spells and spell-like abilities used by servants of a power.
  • Spell Immunity (Ex): Spell Resistance (10 + CL + WIS Mod) to faith-based spells: Bane, Bestow Curse, Blasphemy, Doom, Geas/Quest, Holy Word, and Prayer.
  • Divine Cancellation (Sp): Once per day, an Athar may attempt to counterspell any one divine spell. This works just as if the factioneer had used a dispel magic. In addition, if the Athar is a spell caster he can use any spell of the same level to counterspell any divine spell (given he succeeded in his Spellcraft check).
  • BUYABLE FEAT: Divine Dismissal (Sp): (PQ: Athar, CL 4+) Once per day, the Athar may attempt a Banishment spell as a cleric of his CL level.
  • HQ: The Shattered Temple (Aoskar) in the center of the Lower Ward. Within the Planes at-large, they have a base at the bottom of the Spire and within the Astral Plane.

  •      Melroch Eitheldor @ 2003 1 1