"The multiverse ain't supposed to make sense; there's no
grand scheme, no deep meaning, no elusive order. The only
truth worth finding lies within." [If nothing we do matters, then all that matter is what we do.]
Requirements: (50 cages) Join the Bleakers is just simply as that. You just decide to be a member and tell any other Bleaker of your intention. But the initiation just starts there, the sod will just shrug and probably try to dissuade the berk from joining. In any case, no indication is given, the one interested must follow other Bleakers, participate in their meetings, etc. All by his own. Depending on his success this period lasts from 6 months to a year, when the other Bleakers start taking notice of him. Anyone joining the Bleak Cabal must drop his family name.
Restrictions: Can’t be of Lawful Alignment.
Organization: The Bleakers don’t try to arrange themselves in any particularly fashion. There is no hierarchy to advance through or any tests through which one proves loyalty. Factols tend only to last a few years before entering the Grim Retreat—the insanity that eventually takes root in almost every Bleaker. At this point, he or she is committed and cared for within the Gatehouse, though by this point little can be done. New factols come forward of their own free will and choose amongst themselves who will take control. Long-term members sometimes decide between these choices, but there is typically no need. Any Bleaker motivated enough to take the reigns of the faction typically meets little resistance. Most are content to help out the poor and the insane wherever they can.
Skills: Class: Listen, Sense Motive, Use Rope. +2 competence to all Bluff and Innuendo checks.
Fragile Sanity (Ex): The Bleakers are susceptible to suffers moodiness. Every game day they roll 1d20+CL against DC 20+(CL/2 (rounded up)). If the roll is made, the basher won’t do anything unless philosophically convinced by another that it’s worthwhile. Note that a monster eating another party member is NOT sufficient justification. (To the Bleaker, the poor sod’s life or death is pointless anyway.) This rule means that 1st level characters suffer moodiness on a natural 20, 2nd to 3rd CL in a roll of 19-20, 4th and 5th CL in a roll of 18-20, and so on, until a 20th CL suffer moodiness in a roll of 10-20. This represents the increasing conviction and belief in his ‘cause’.
Mad Genius (Su): Spell Resistance (10 + CL + WIS Mod) to spells that causes madness or insanity: Chaos, Confusion, Delude, Feeblemind, Otto’s Irresistible Dance, and Tasha’s Uncontrollable Hideous Laughter.
Chaos Blessing (Su): A number of times per day equal to the Bleaker’s Wisdom modifier (minimum 1), he can embrace the chaos and gain inspiration from it. In game mechanics, they can add 1d4 to ANY die roll (announced before the roll is made).
HQ: The Gatehouse within the Lower Ward near to the Hive. In the Planes, the Bleakers work from a base within Pandemonium.
BUYABLE FEAT: Absorb Madness (Su): (PQ: Bleaker, Will 4+) Some Bleakers cure others of their madness, absorbing it into themselves. Well, as most of them are already as barmy as it is possible, the new madness tend to pass unnoticed (they roll his SR against the madness affect, just like if it was just cast against them, and the other person is cured).