Now you can go back to the guy at the boat and talk to him. Ask to return. Now that you are back on the mainland go back to where you left your ship. Set sail for New Magincia . GO find Alagener and tell him that there are no answers to the questions of life and death (you still need to do it.) Answer yes to all his questions and get the key. Go to the bottom of the building directally to the south. Unlock the doors and use the lever. Go through the left door and into the little space at the end of the space. Let it teleport you. Use the key on the jail-cell like door and then use the lever in the upper left corner. Feel free to pick up anything that you see on the way. Use a lockpick to pick the lock on the next door untill it opens. Use both levers and go through the left passage. Use the key on the lock. Go through the teleporter in the upper room. Walk to the door. Use the right teleporter in this room. Now use the lever that is in the middle of the two teleporters. Now use the left teleporter. Go back to the room with one teleporter surounded by chairs. Avoid the teleporter and go through the fake wall on the top of the room. Go through the door that should now be open. Welcome to the main room. Put one crate next to the table (close enough to be able to walk onto the table from it.) Move the candles off the table. Make a staircase out of crates up to the door (I thing that you need 7 crates all together.) Walk up the staircase so that you are next to the door. Use the key on the door. Take the little red book on the shelf. Now go back to the wisps.
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