Components of Casting
I write this down for the edification of no one,
for I doubt I will wish these words to reach any-one's
eyes save mine. However, as I have
already noted, posterity is a strong motivator.
Therefore shall I document a layman's version
of the study of magic.

As an interesting note, some of my earlier
spells no longer function here in the new land. Interestingly enough, I have discovered
differing spells on the Serpent Isle that perform similarly, in addition to spells of entirely
new natures with unique reagents and words of power. I expect the colder climate has
much to do with this difference, as freezing temperatures are far more hazardous here
than fire is. Perhaps, too, this relates to the still unknown culture that predates our pres-ence
here. Alas, it may be several lifetimes before we learn the truth about their disap-pearance.
There are three main aspects of spellcasting: the grimoire, or spell book; the
reagents; and the words of power.

Spell Book

The spell book is the most fundamental facet of casting, for within it lie the complete
details for every spell in the mage's repertoire. Descriptions of the necessary reagents,
explanations for the words of power and listings of the incantations
are all presented. Most such references are unreadable by the
common person, but a wizened spell caster can understand
any spell he has already learned. The more enchantments a
wizard has in his spell book, the more powerful he

I might also note that I have discovered scrolls engraved
with spells in this new realm. I know that such spells can be cast
directly from their scroll (rendering them subsequently useless, unfortunately), and I
am investigating the possibility that they can be transcribed into my spell book for
repeated use.


Here is the list of known reagents, the physical components necessary to transform
matter into magical energy. While useless as individual parts, the various combina-tions,
augmented by chanting and the proper use of a word of power, are quite
effective for imbuing a mage with tremendous magical abilities.

Black Pearl. Though ultimately crushed for casting purposes, the rare black pearl must
be perfectly spherical when collected. The powder is that element which gives some
spells their propelling energy. Here on the Serpent Isle, the fishermen in Fawn find the
only known supply.

Blood Moss. This reddish fungus, found only in the swamp south of Moonshade,
usually grows on dead trees and is found between the bark and the outermost ring of
wood. Blood Moss is used to instill a spell with the power to increase speed and

Blood Spawn. This reagent is formed in quite an unusual way. Stoneheart, the red rock
collected from stalagmites, must be crushed and then combined with the blood of the
cast-er! Blood spawn is an additive reagent that enhances the power of several inner
circle offensive spells. Needless to say, perhaps, this reagent is not one to be bought and sold.

Garlic. Though the grated seasoning is found in any well-maintained kitchen, the
reagent is ground to a fine, odorous paste. Garlic is the reagent that permits the cast-ing
of protective enchantments. The horticulturists in Fawn have begun to sell their
garlic in reagent form for a fair price.

Ginseng. Another reagent found in Fawn, this root must be boiled in stream water 40
times until it becomes a syrup. Known for its curative properties, ginseng is generally
prepared in greenhouses, where it can be treated immediately after it is collected.

Mandrake Root. This is, perhaps, the most difficult reagent to procure, for the
method of collection requires precise cutting below the mucky bed of a swamp.
Once boiled and dried, mandrake root is an excellent power enhancer for many
spells. The swamps of Gorlab have a large supply of the natural root; it grows on
Monk Island, as well, I am told.

Nightshade. Great care must be taken when preparing this mushroom, for it is highly
poisonous. By boiling the caps in tea or crushing the entire fungus, the deadly night-shade
transforms into a useful reagent to aid spells designed to damage another indi-vidual.
Nightshade is found in the soft mud of Gorlab swamp.

Serpent Scales. Spells gleaned from the serpent ruins require a peculiar reagent, ser-pent
scales. However, untreated snake scales are useless, and the ancient method of
preparation has been lost. The only known supply of this ancient reagent is within the
serpent ruins themselves.

Spider's Silk. Although the strands from any spider's web will suffice, it is very trying

to find enough silk from any one web. Many mages raise their own spiders, hoping to
gather the webs the way a farmer squeezes milk from a cow. However, I have noticed
the Isle of Crypts, filled with the dead, is home to more spiders than I could ever have
possibly imagined, with plenty of accompanying webs.

Sulfurous Ash. This is nothing more than the ashen remains of a volcanic eruption.
Here in the new land, the adventurous gather such ash in the cavern known as
Furnace — those whom the Daemons do not slay, that is.

Worm's Heart. This reagent, cut from the innards of the ice worm, is useful to a
variety of unusual spells, often allowing enchantments involving snow or cold.

Words of Power

While the list below appears to be nothing more than an amalgamation of unrelated
syllables, the words of power hold great significance. When spoken aloud, the words
are the summation of the energy required to supplement, or rather, to complement
the incantations and the reagent. To some extent, the words of power are the very
spells themselves!

Much research has gone into the perfection of these words. Their rhythm, pro-nunciation
and inflection must be performed with precision, for a simple mistake
can radically alter the effects of a spell. Legend holds, for example, that a mage could
metamorphose into a cow while intending to take the form of a dragon.
The list presented here is, to the best of my knowledge, a compilation of every
known syllable that can be combined to form one of the words of power.

Syllable                             Meaning   Syllable                          Meaning
AN...........................Negate/Dispel NOX................................Poison
BET ....................................Small ORT .................................Magic
CORP..................................Death POR...................Move/Movement
DES...........................Lower/Down QUAS..............................Illusion
EX..................................Freedom REL................................Change
FLAM..................................Flame SANCT............Protect/Protection
FRIO.....................................Cold TYM...................................Time
GRAV........................Energy/Field UUS ............................Raise/Up
HUR.....................................Wind VAS..................................Great
IN...................Make/Create/Cause WIS..................Know/Knowledge
JUX..................Danger/Trap/Harm  XEN..............................Creature
KAL......................Summon/Invoke YLEM...............................Matter
LOR .....................................Light ZU.....................................Sleep


The nine circles of magic are as profound and complex a study as any other in the
realm. Each circle represents a ring of waves within the Void known as the ether, the
envelope of energy that enables all spellcasting. The spells found on the outermost
ring are learned first, and skilled mages will have most or all in their spell books.
However, as a mage strives for each successive circle, the spells become more difficult
to learn and master. Only wizards of the higher circles are able to grasp the essence of
the innermost spells. Here, listed by circle, are descriptions of all known spells,
including their required reagents and words of power.

First Circle of Magic

IN MANI YLEM (Create Food)

Reagents: Garlic, Ginseng, Mandrake Root

This spell calls forth enough food to address the hunger of the caster and any dinner
guests, as if a single meal had been served.

AN NOX (Cure)

Reagents: Garlic, Ginseng

This spell neutralizes the effects of all poisons on its subject, including those of a
paralytic nature.

WIS JUX (Detect Trap)

Reagents: Nightshade, Spider's Silk

This spell locates all traps near the caster.

VAS AN FLAM (Great Douse)

Reagents: Garlic, Spider's Silk

As its name implies, this spell puts out all flames within view of the caster.

VAS IN FLAM (Great Ignite)

Reagents: Sulfurous Ash, Spider's Silk

This spell causes all combustibles in the area to burst into flames.

IN LOR (Light)

Reagent: Sulfurous Ash

This spell brings into being a mobile source of light that lasts for half an hour.

IN WIS (Locate)

Reagent: Nightshade

This spell identifies the area occupied by the caster when the spell is cast.

ORT POR YLEM (Telekinesis)

Reagents: Black Pearl, Blood Moss, Mandrake Root

This spell enables the caster to manipulate an object without the application of
physical force.

Second Circle of Magic

AN ZU (Awaken)

Reagents: Garlic, Ginseng

This spell pulls one individual from the trance of sleep, whether sleeping from
fatigue or enchantment.

AN JUX (Destroy Trap)

Reagents: Blood Moss, Sulfurous Ash

When cast upon a specific trapped item or location, this spell eliminates both the
threat of harmful effects and the trap itself.

REL YLEM (False Coin)

Reagents: Nightshade, Sulfurous Ash

When cast upon any coin, this spell creates five such coins in its place. However, the
spell will fail when cast upon another such magically created duplicate.

VAS FRIO (Cold Blast)

Reagents: Black Pearl, Sulfurous Ash, Worm's Heart

This creates a projectile sphere of cold energy, much like a snowball, though with
significantly greater capacity to inflict wounds.

VAS LOR (Great Light)

Reagents: Mandrake Root, Sulfurous Ash

This spell performs like the Light spell, but with four times the duration.

MANI (Heal)

Reagents: Garlic, Ginseng, Spider's Silk

This powerful enchantment speeds up the healing process of most wounds, as if the
afflicted were to rest for a great many days.

VAS AN NOX (Mass Cure)

Reagents: Garlic, Ginseng, Mandrake Root

This spell acts just like the Cure spell, except that it can cure all toxins afflicting the
caster and those with him.

UUS SANCT (Protection)

Reagents: Garlic, Ginseng, Sulfurous Ash

Not only does this spell reduce the subject's vulnerability to attack, it also temporarily
eliminates the possibility of harm from traps and other similar hazards.

Third Circle of Magic


Reagents: Garlic, Nightshade, Sulfurous Ash

This spell severely hampers the subject's abilities in combat, affecting both defensive
and offensive qualities.

ORT YLEM (Enchant Missiles)

Reagents: Black Pearl, Mandrake Root

Affecting an entire bundle if present, this spell enchants arrows and bolts so as to
enhance their effectiveness.

WIS JUX YLEM (Columna's Intuition)

Reagents: Black Pearl, Garlic

This spell identifies sources of possible danger by imbuing the source with radiant lumi-nescence. This spell is noticeably more effective away from populated areas.

VAS UUS SANCT (Protect All)

Reagents: Garlic, Ginseng, Mandrake Root, Sulfurous Ash

This spell is a more advanced version of Protection, affecting all members of the caster's

AN POR (Paralyze)

Reagents: Nightshade, Spider's Silk

This spell renders the subject immobile for a relatively short duration.

IN ZU (Sleep)

Reagents: Black Pearl, Nightshade, Spider's Silk

This spell puts the subject to sleep for a varying length of time.

REL WIS (Translation)

Reagents: Black Pearl, Mandrake Root, Spider's Silk, Sulfurous Ash

Once cast, this spell temporarily enables its subject to understand unknown languages,
including ancient runes and text. It is very useful for the scholarly mage.

Fourth Circle of Magic

REL POR (Blink)

Reagents: Blood Moss, Mandrake Root

This is a very limited form of teleportation, magically transporting the caster and
any companions to a new location about twenty paces from their original location.
Blink will not permit the subjects to pass through locked doors or other
impenetrable areas.

(a warning: Blink does not seem to work. Don't waste your time/reagents
on it)

AN XEN JUX (Deter)

Reagents: Garlic, Spider's Silk

This spell often discourages hostile, non-sentient animals from attacking its subject.

IN VAS LOR (Flash)

Reagents: Mandrake Root, Sulfurous Ash

This spell creates an ephemeral, brilliant glow, blinding all creatures within the
affected area, save the caster.

VAS DES SANCT (Mass Curse)

Reagents: Garlic, Mandrake Root, Nightshade, Sulfurous Ash

This spell acts like the Third Circle spell Curse, but affects all opposing creatures

WIS QUAS (Reveal)

Reagents: Blood Moss, Sulfurous Ash

This spell reverses the effects of all enchantments of invisibility.

REL ORT WIS (Transcribe)

Reagents: Black Pearl, Spider's Silk

This spell enables the caster to copy spells found on scrolls and the like, without
needing to buy the actual spell book page from another wizard.

EX POR (Unlock Magic)

Reagents: Blood Moss, Sulfurous Ash

This spell unlocks a magically locked door.

Fifth Circle of Magic

KAL XEN (Conjure)

Reagents: Mandrake Root, Spider's Silk

Despite its name, this spell actually summons, rather than conjures, a wild beast to
fight for the caster.

VAS FRIO HUR (Explosion)

Reagents: Blood Moss, Black Pearl, Mandrake Root, Sulfurous Ash

This spell sends a large sphere of blue flame that explodes on contact at a designated

VAS MANI (Great Heal)

Reagents: Garlic, Ginseng, Mandrake Root, Spider's Silk

This spell removes all wounds on its subject.

SANCT LOR (Invisibility)

Reagents: Blood Moss, Nightshade

This spell renders its subject invisible, undetectable to all visual senses.

VAS ZU (Mass Sleep)

Reagents: Ginseng, Nightshade, Spider's Silk

This spell makes all opponents in the area fall asleep.

UUS VAS GRAV (Surprise)

Reagents: Black Pearl, Garlic, Mandrake Root, Sulfurous Ash

As I am the creator of this spell, others call it Erstam's Surprise. This spell creates great
clouds of gasses that inflict a variety of effects on those who breathe them — poison,
sleep and fear being the most common.

Sixth Circle of Magic

AN XEN EX (Betray)

Reagents: Black Pearl, Nightshade, Spider's Silk

This spell encourages its subject, a foe to the caster, to change sides in a battle and fight
against former comrades.

AN QUAS (Dispel Illusion)

Reagents: Garlic, Mandrake Root, Nightshade

This spell destroys the knots of force that create an illusion, affecting structures and
creatures alike.

QUAS WIS (Cause Fear)

Reagents: Garlic, Mandrake Root, Nightshade

This powerful spell magically terrifies all members of an opposing force, making the
more cowardly ones flee.

IN FRIO GRAV (Fire Field)

Reagents: Black Pearl, Worm's Heart, Spider's Silk, Sulfurous Ash

This spell creates a field of blue flame that damages those who try to cross it.


Reagents: Black Pearl, Worm's Heart, Mandrake Root, Spider's Silk, Sulfurous Ash

This spell is identical to Fire Field, save that it forms a protective ring of blue flame.

VAS IN FRIO GRAV (Cold Strike)

Reagents: Blood Moss, Black Pearl, Worm's Heart, Sulfurous Ash

This spell creates a temporary field of blue flame at the feet of all hostile creatures in
the area.

IN JUX YLEM (Create Missile)

Reagents: Blood Moss, Ginseng, Sulfurous Ash

This spell creates missiles for either bows or crossbows, depending on which
weapon the caster's party has more of. (If the party has none, or an equal number of
each, the spell creates arrows.)

IN ORT XEN (Create Automata)

Reagents: Mandrake Root, Sulfurous Ash, Spider's Silk, Serpent Scales

This spell, new to me, requires Translation to understand it. Apparently, it repairs a
broken "automaton." I am unsure what the original creators of the spell intended, but
it seems the only value of such a repaired "automaton" is as a pack-mule.

Seventh Circle of Magic

IN SANCT GRAV (Energy Field)

Reagents: Black Pearl, Mandrake Root, Spider's Silk, Sulfurous Ash

This spell creates a field of energy that harms any who try to pass through it.

IN HUR GRAV YLEM (Energy Mist)

Reagents: Blood Moss, Mandrake Root, Nightshade, Sulfurous Ash

The harmful mist of energy created by this spell flows directly from the caster to its
intended target.

VAS AN ZU (Mass Awaken)

Reagents: Garlic, Ginseng

This spell acts just like the Second Circle spell Awaken, except that it affects all nearby
allies of the caster.

IN VAS POR (Mass Might)

Reagents: Black Pearl, Ginseng, Mandrake Root

This spell enhances all physical and mental abilities that affect combat, doubling their
effectiveness up to the maximum humanly possible.

IN HUR NOX (Poison Mist)

Reagents: Blood Moss, Nightshade, Sulfurous Ash

This spell creates a stationary area of mist that poisons all who enter it.

VAS MANI (Restoration)

Reagents: Garlic, Ginseng, Mandrake Root, Spider's Silk

This is the definitive spell for healing, affecting all members of the caster's group. Any
harmful effects, whether from poisons, wounds or curses, are eradicated by
Restoration, as long as its subjects are still alive.

AN GRAV EX (Vibrate)

Reagents: Black Pearl, Blood Moss, Mandrake Root, Spider's Silk

This unusual spell surrounds a specified target with intense physical energy, as if a
giant troll were grasping the target and shaking it to find loose gold. The effect not
only damages its subject, but also loosens any hold on possessions.

ORT GRAV (Lightning)

Reagents: Black Pearl, Mandrake Root, Sulfurous Ash

This spell shoots a bolt of electrical energy at a specified target.

Eighth Circle of Magic

IN FRIO (Create Ice)

Reagent: Worm's Heart, Spider's Silk

This spell creates a block of ice that immobilizes its target for a short time until the
block shatters, freeing the trapped individual. Create Ice can also be created on an
area, forming an impassable barrier for a limited duration.

CORP POR (Mind Blast)

Reagents: Blood Spawn, Black Pearl, Nightshade, Sulfurous Ash

This spell, whose effect is greatly based on the mental powers of the caster and the tar-get,
releases a bolt of lethal energy.

TYM VAS FLAM (Delayed Blast)

Reagents: Blood Moss, Black Pearl, Mandrake Root, Spider's Silk, Sulfurous Ash

This spell forms a magical sphere designed to explode after eight seconds of delay,
damaging all who are near the blast.

POR YLEM (Fetch)

Reagents: Blood Moss, Black Pearl, Mandrake Root

This is the more advanced version of the First Circle spell Telekinesis, permitting the
caster to reach any object in view, regardless of location or barriers.

KAL FRIO XEN (Invoke Snow Serpent)

Reagents: Blood Moss, Garlic, Spider's Silk, Worm's Heart, Serpent Scales

This complex spell summons a fearsome snow serpent to aid the caster in battle.

KAL FRIO XEN EX (Serpent Bond)

Reagents: Blood Moss, Black Pearl, Garlic, Spider's Silk, Worm's Heart, Serpent Scales

This spell permits the caster to exchange forms with a targeted snow serpent, thus
allowing new ways of travel for the duration of the spell.


Reagents: Garlic, Mandrake Root, Sulfurous Ash

This spell sends a trail of fire from the caster, across anything in the way, to explode at
its target.

IN JUX POR YLEM (Swordstrike)

Reagents: Black Pearl, Blood Spawn, Mandrake Root, Nightshade

This spell creates a pinwheel of eight whirling blades, all designed to slice its target.

Ninth Circle of Magic

VAS CORP HUR (Death Vortex)

Reagents: Blood Moss, Mandrake Root, Nightshade, Sulfurous Ash

This spell calls forth a swirling mist of black death that will follow its target until that
target falls to the ground dead or the spell duration passes.

VAS CORP (Mass Death)

Reagents: Blood Moss, Blood Spawn, Garlic, Ginseng, Mandrake Root, Nightshade

This very powerful spell instantly slays all enemies in view of the caster. However, the
extreme amount of ether energy required to cast Mass Death leaves the caster near
death as well.

VAS SANCT LOR (Invisibility All)

Reagents: Black Pearl, Blood Moss, Mandrake Root, Nightshade

This spell removes the caster and any allies from the visual perceptions of all others.

UUS VAS JUX YLEM (Spiral Missile)

Reagents: Blood Moss, Blood Spawn, Black Pearl, Nightshade, Sulfurous Ash

This spell is extremely useful against multiple enemies, for it sends a number of lethal
bolts equal to the level of the caster toward random opponents.

AN HUR (Stop Storm)

Reagents: Black Pearl, Garlic, Mandrake Root, Spider's Silk, Sulfurous Ash

When disturbed by the constant fits of thunder and lightning spawned by a terrible
storm, the caster can use this spell to calm the clouds and return clear skies.

KAL VAS XEN (Summon)

Reagents: Blood Moss, Garlic, Mandrake Root, Spider's Silk

This spell brings into being a mighty, but never pre-determined, creature to side with
the caster against any foes.

AN TYM (Time Stop)

Reagents: Blood Moss, Garlic, Mandrake Root

This spell renders all but the caster and any friends immobile for what appears to be
twenty seconds. As the spell actually halts the passage of time, the real duration of
Time Stop has been a subject of great debate.

KAL VAS AN GRAV (Imbalance)

Reagents: Nightshade, Sulfurous Ash, Worm's Heart, Serpent Scales

This chaotic spell is difficult to control and should be cast only in dire emergencies.
Its result is a wave of fire fields, explosions and streaks of lightning. 1