The Black Gate.

The Fellowship Treasury...

But a terrible and crude crime spoiled the progress of the Gargolies. In the town of Minoc a gargolie and a human were found death and mutilated. For a strange reason the Avatar appeared in Trinsic in the Same Time...

The city mayor worried about the murder, asked the Avatar to solve the crime. After some investigation the Avatar found that the Fellowship leaders Elizabeth and Abraham were somehow involved in the Crime.

So, the Avatar, with the Company of his old friends Iolo, Dupre and Shamino begun to follow Both Fellowships members. But it was not an easy task as they discovered more murders in their way. The main suspect of the crimes was a pirate, Captain Hook, was would be providing assistance to Abraham and Elizabeth.

The conclusion was obvious, for some reason the Fellowship was the responsible of the murders. In a quest for an answer the Avatar traveled to Moonglow, in the Verity Isle, to ask for some advice from Penumbra. As to escape form the wizard's disease, Penumbra put her self in a magic sleep spell.
The Avatar managed to awake her up, and created a protection circle with blackrock fragments, so the illness would not affect Penumbra.

Penumbra conducted the avatar's quest to Moonglow, in search for the scholar Alagner.

Alagner had been making some serious investigations about the fellowship, and got to the conclusion, that the fellowship was not another thing that an attempt to control the citizen of Britannia.

The evil mind behind this plan was an extradimensional being, called the Guardian. But little was known about the Guardian, so Alagner advises the Avatar to contact the Time Lord for more information. Alagner give the Avatar a Compendium about all the Fellowship treasuries.

- The Guardian -

The only way to contact Time Lord was along the Wisps, so the Avatar traveled to Spirithood Forest. The Wisp offered the Avatar the possibility to transport him to Time Lord where About in exchange of Alagner Compendium. With no other choice, the Avatar accepted and was taken to the Shrine of Spirituality in the ethereal Void.

For the surprise of the Avatar, Time Lord was captured in some kind of Force Field. Time Lord explained that he was set up by the Guardian, in a way to prevent him form defending Britannia.

As Time Lord told the Avatar, The Guardian is a supernatural being, with incredible great powers, obtained by several thousands of years of conquest of other worlds. Know the Guardian's hunger of power needed Britannia.
Once the Guardian would step the lands of Sosaria, he would stay forever.
But only one thing has prevented the Guardian to take the lands. He is so powerful, that a normal moongate would not allowed to transport him into this lands, another type of transportation was needed.

The energy for such a gate could be obtained from the gravitational flux from the planets alignment that would take place in little time. But also was needed a high mass with element to control that amount of energy, only one element could made the job, blackrock.

That was indeed the plan of the Guardian, create a huge Black Rock Gate to be transported to Britannia.

-The blackrock Generators-

To do this task in secret, the first fellowship members builded three blackrock Generators.
The First to control people's minds by sending messages that would seem to be like ones own toughts (the Inner Voice as told The Fellowship).

The Second to capture Time Lord and disable the moongates (so no help would arrive)
And finally the third, to interfere in the ethereal void, affecting all magic powers, driving madness to all magic users.

The Black Gate (3).

The Guardian Saga.