Factions - The Fated

The Fated:
(The Heartless, The Takers)

"The multiverse belongs to those who seize it. No one's
to blame for a poor sod's fate but the sorry sod himself."
[Make a living on what you can take.]

  • Requirements: A berk must pass a series of tests. First, some university-like test to measure Intelligence. If he passes, the physical tests comes next. Then a special test is arranged. In the less expected moment, the sod comes into a situation where he have the chance to claim some kind of prize, but for free – it’s just there for the asking. If the recruit takes the bait (and claims the prize) he’s rejected from the faction, if not, starts a 3 week education period.
  • Restrictions: Can’t be of Lawful Good alignment.
  • Organization: The Takers have no particular hierarchy. Necessary positions are filled as they are taken, though the Duke has full autocratic power to do whatever he wants. Below him is only the High Quaestor. Most Fated don’t worry too much about ascension through the faction (unless they want Darkwood’s place, and the Lady save them if that’s the case) but instead through the Planes in general.
  • Skills: All non-exclusive are considered class skills, and all exclusive skills became cross class skills. They also gain 1 rank in Knowledge (The Planes).
  • Hard Bargainer (Ex): +2 to Appraise checks, and +2 to Bluff checks when used to haggle with someone.
  • Self Reliance (Ex): Cannot accept or perform charity: Everything they received must be earned in one fashion or another, and the service must be provided before the payment is given. They also rarely accept gifts.
  • Larger than Life (Su): Once per day, the Taker can grow in size and power. This works exactly like a Righteous Might Spell cast by a cleric of the CL Level.
  • HQ: Within the Hall of Records in the Guildhall Ward. In the Planes, they house themselves in Ysgard.
  • BUYABLE FEAT: Jack of All Trades: (PQ: Taker, CL 5+) You receive one rank in every class skill with 0 ranks you posses.

  •      Melroch Eitheldor @ 2003 1 1