Ultima VI - The False Prophet |
Screen shot from PC version of Ultima VI |
The graphics received a major facelift in Ultima VI. Gone were the small icons symbolizing the Avatar and friends and foes. They had been replaced with actual images in a much more believable scale. The Avatar was no longer as big as a city when seen on the map. The switching between different maps when engaging into combat and entering a city had also been removed. In Ultima VI Britannia, and its cities, were united in one huge map. The size of the game had truly been increased since Ultima V. Ultima VI was also the first Ultima game in which the PC-version had music. During conversation, you could also see a portrait of the person to whom you're speking. This concept of portraits has been passed on to all the later parts of the series, except Ultima VIII(god (and Garriot) knows why). |
You don't get to know much about what's going on in Britannia early in the game. A new species of creatures have shown up in the kingdom of Britannia, and they slay and destroy everything that comes in their way. They resemble daemons in many ways, and no one knows where they came from and why they are tearing Britannia apart. They have been given the name gargoyles and from their behaviour, one can guess that they are serching for something. They have occupated the shrines of the eight virtues, and refuse to let themselves be driven away. Once again, Britannia needs help. The Avatar is once again summoned and is given the quest to lure out the gargoyles' intentions and prevent them from from destroying the entire land, something which they certainly seem capable of. |
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