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monk n. A man who is a member of a religious order.
e-monk n. A man whose primary religious devotion centers around electronics and computers.
n. A hairy primate who likes tinkering with anything related to electronics and computers.

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Ok, so I’m not a real monk, but considering I’ve got the celibacy and poverty   thing down pretty good right now (not by choice mind you), I think I’m pretty close... (if you are looking for real monks, you can go here)

This is my new site here on Geocities. I decided to take advantage of the fact that I have 6 megabytes, as opposed to Netcom's cheesy one megabyte. Of course, I've gone crazy with all the extra graphics, so it might take a little longer to load up.

Let me know what you think of the redesign. I always like to hear some constructive comments on how this place is coming along.

News 'n Stuff


6/27/2000 Discworld Mudmeet Info

For those of you coming to the Bristol Renaissance Faire on the weekend of 7/7-7/10/2000 I've been putting up some info on the faire, complete with maps, weather, entertainment, shopping, food, and shortly after the meet, pics!

7/25/99 Abracadabra

Lacking much else to post at the moment, I have uploaded my Magic the Gathering collection for perusal.

2/18/99 Are You Leafing Me?

Well, its been a long time since I've put anything up here, but that's how life goes. I was going through my camera bag the other day and found a roll of film I had forgotten to get developed, taken probably about the same time as the last entry here. Anyway, I had gone to a local forest preserve last fall and taken some pictures of the autumn leaves, and a few of them came out pretty good. You can see them on the photo gallery page.

10/28/98 Did Hell Just Freeze Over?

Maybe it isn't quite that bad, but about two weeks ago I was invited to become a creator (and accepted) at a new mud under development, called Quintiqua. It isn't open to the public yet, but hopefully soon you'll be able to walk around the world and see just how badly I can screw things up. If you'd like to have a look at the world map, you can see it here.

10/8/98 Surprise, Surprise, Surprise!

Well, here yesterday I mentioned that my great helm should be coming, and today, here it is, yay! I took a couple of really quick shots with my camcorder and Snappy, so the pics aren't wonderful, but you can see a couple of views here and here. Hopefully when I'm shooting some rolls of film in the near future, I can spare a couple of shots to get some decent images of the helm.

10/7/98 Long Time, No See...

My goodness! Has it really been almost TWO MONTHS again since I updated this site? Yikes! Oh well, I guess that means there's nothing exciting happening to me. I should be receiving my helm from the Noble Armory in the next few days, pics will be up as soon as I get the thing. In the meantime, here is a little soundclip that just makes me snicker every time I hear it.

ned1.jpg (12092 bytes)Its from the Simpsons, when Ned Flanders gets his house blown down, and he goes just a *bit* over the edge. You can hear it in RealAudio format (10 Kb), or download a sampled down wav format version (200 Kb!). I put it into windows to play whenever there is a critical stop or program error on my machine. You don't know how many times I've wanted to take a lesson from Ned here when silly people annoy me.


8/8/98 The Mystery Knight

I went back to the Bristol Renaissance Faire today and got some pictures of the Mystery Knight. You can see his pictures here.

7/31/98 Faires, Movies, and Other Stuff...

Ack! I can't believe it has been nearly two months since I updated these pages! Of course, then again, no one ever comes to my site, so no one probably noticed...

I went to the Bristol Rennaisance Faire last Saturday, I haven't been there in a couple of years. What a blast! They've definitely improved the place for sure. I had all sorts of bad luck though, between having dead camera batteries (I found some spares about an hour into the faire), the wrong film for the type of light (the weather man said it was supposed to be clear and sunny), and just general frustration, I didn't get a whole lot of good pictures. In fact, only a very few of the joust pictures came out satisfactory (and none of those maille bikini clad girls strutting around either, darn!). You can jump to here to see some pics of the knights and the joust. On the up shot, my young cousins are coming up to visit my folks and I tomorrow, and I'm going to take them to see the faire. This time I'm packing a video camera as my primary weapon, and leaving the 35mm in the camera bag for the occasional still shot (or for when my camcorder battery runs out - which is always at the worst possible moment).

Last Sunday, I went to see Saving Private Ryan. I must say that I have never been so profoundly affected by a movie in my life.Nearly an hour after seeing it, I couldn't help but notice my fingers trembling. The violence and gore is extreme, but in my opinion, belongs in the movie. This is not some 1940-50's John Wayne hero war movie. It ultimately is about the horror of war, and the terrible senselessness of it all. This movie definitely does not glorify war. It is probably about as realistic as you can get without strapping electrodes and things to your body for added effect. Much of the movie looks more authentic than the real footage that you see played here and there on various war time documentaries, it is that real. You don't have to wonder what it must be like to see your buddy get his head blown off as he cowers next to you, because you experience it. I could go on for pages about this movie, but I think you should see it instead, as should every person over the age of 17 (I don't recommend this movie to the under 17 crowd, those with weak stomachs, or vets of previous wars who have problems coming to grips with what happened to them in the past).

Okay, enough stuff for today I think. BTW, since you are probably one of the few people who visits this site, please drop me a line to encourage me (or discourage me for that matter) to keep going. I would probably make a much stronger effort to update this page more often if I thought people actually visited it.

6/02/98 Updates for Today

Minor updates today... I changed the calendar image on the site's entrance to the new one for the month of June. I have also added a link to my friend Shalla's (Megan) site which has lots of interesting links for medieval and archeological research resources. You can click here to go there (or visit my links page, which is chock full of click-o-licous bookmarks).

Do you want to see what happened before June 1998?

Articles 'n Things

Renaissance Faire Pics
Added 7/31/98

Photo Gallery
Added 5/28/98

Quake 2 benchmarks (using software, Diamond Monster I, and Creative Labs 12 Mb Voodoo2)
Last updated 4/24/98

Jane's F15
Last updated 4/24/98

Comparison of Online RPG games (Discworld MUD, Ultima Online, and Diablo)
Last updated 5/01/98

The Social Aspects of MUDding (A reprint of a web page of Ultima Online)
Added 5/07/98

Last updated 5/11/98

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