General Feats: Armor Specialization: (PQ: Base Attack Bonus +3 or higher, Armor Proficiency) You are trained to wear one particular type of armor with exceptional ease. The maximum dexterity bonus you can get when wearing is increased by 1, the armor check penalty is reduced by 1 and the chance of arcane spell failure is reduced by 5%. In addition, only half of the weight of the armor counts when determining the weight of your load. Special: The Armor Specialization feat may be taken multiple times, with a different type of armor chosen each time. Allure: (PQ: CH 15+) The character has a +4 to social checks when interacting with alive members of the opposite sex who are at least young adult in age. The character may also have a cohort of the opposite sex and at least young adult in age who tags along out of romantic interest (cf. Leadership feat). Artistic Ability: (PQ: At least one craft skill rated +4 or better) The character gets +2 to all his craft checks and any item he makes will cost 50% more than normal (including masterwork items). Chaos Shaping [Anarch]: (Prerequisite: Be an Anarch (See Limbo)) Every berk can shape the raw chaos of Limbo, but only trained blood can perform other actions while doing it. As a normal rule not trained characters needs to be conscious and can do only partial actions each round while maintaining the order around them. Even if this feat is bought, results aren’t granted. Each time you try to manipulate the chaos roll an WIS (untrained people roll INT) Check, but the result can’t be higher than your WIS attribute (the roll is capped), then consult the following:
You can spend successive rounds to try to improve your previous results. Therefore, anyone taking 10 or 20 with this ability can reach his maximum potential (his WIS Score). Combat Caster Defense: (PQ: Dex 13+, Lightning Reflexes, Base 5+) -4 to all concentration checks of all enemy nearby spellcasters. Combat Rotation: (PQ: Mobility, Base 3+) You can swap (as a standard action) with a willing engaged ally within 5 feet. You must not be threatened by someone, and the swap occurs in your initiative and doesn’t affects your ally actions. Delay: (PQ: Dex 13+, proficiency in one Large weapon. Base 6+) Anytime the character hits his opponent with a large weapon and inflicts more than 15 points of damage, in addition to normal damage, that opponent must make a save v. fortitude DC 10 + Weapon STR Modifier (normally 1.5 STR Modifier) or have his initiative number set to "0" (the opposite of refocus) for the next round. Distract: (PQ: Cha 13+, CL 3+) As a free action, CHA check of DC 10+enemy HD, if successful your enemy only can take partial actions in the next round. This only works for things with 3 or more intelligence. Donning Armor: You can remove or don your armor in half the normal time. Drive: (PQ: Str 13+, Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Trip, Base Attack +6) Rushing in a frenzy of hits over the enemy you try to push him back. If you took a full round action (that can include a charge), and score a hit over your enemy, he’s driven back 1' per each point of damage inflicted. Both the attacker and the defender are moved this distance in a straight line backwards the defender along the fighting direction. For each size class of the attacker above/under the defender double/halve the distance to move. If the opponent is pushed back more than 5 feet, then he must make a Ref Save vs. DC 15 in order to stay on his feet, and if pushed more than 3 feet into a wall, he will take 1 hp of extra damage each foot pushed over those that triggered this damage (If the character pushes back 15’ feet his enemy, and encounter a wall 8’ along the way, the enemy takes 4 points of extra damage, but if the enemy starts against a wall he would take 12 points of extra damage in the same situation). If the defender comes into an obstacle that would allow him to fall (for example a chasm), he must succeed in the same save as before to avoid falling. If he doesn’t fall, he’s treated as being hit a wall. A character can’t move more than double his normal movement in this way (including the initial charging distance, if any). If the attacker has less movement the extra push is lost (as any potential damage). If the defender has less movement, the movement stops there but all the distance that isn’t moved is transformed into damage (1 foot = 1hp). Also, the defender, has two more available options. He can choose to stand his ground and resist the push, he attempts an opposed Strength check against the attacker, if successful he’s treated as against the wall (if not is treated normally), but subtracts 15 instead of the normal 3, and doesn’t risks a fall. The other option is to concede the push and flee the offender, in this case the defender runs from the charging opponent, he doesn't recive any extra damage from the Drive maneuver, but he moves double the distance (up to his maximum) the attacker moves (the attacker can choose to advance up to the maximum that his maneuver would allow or less). Example: The party is un an underground complex, the ceiling is about to fall, and the only exit is blocked by a line of tough hobgoblins. Tordek tries to drive one of the hobgoblins blocking the passage to allow his companions to leave the dangerous area. He make an attack to the central hobgoblin and scores. Tordek deals 17 points of damage with his Axe, normally a hobgoblin would be dead meat with such a hit, but as stated before, these were tough. Considering his options, the hobgoblin tries to stand his ground. Both parties involved rolls an Strength check, and Tordek wins (if the hobgoblin would have won, he would received 2 extra points of damage (17-15=2) and the party would be in a dire situation indeed). So the hobgoblin is driven back 10 feet until he crashes to a wall, for that he receives 4 extra damage (17-10-3=4) for a total of 21 (17+4), also, he rolls a Reflex save against DC 15 and fails. Now the blockade is open and the wounded hobgoblin is now on the floor with his back to the wall with an angry Tordek standing before him. Grim luck for some monsters… Special: A fighter may buy this as a bonus feat. Eidetic Memory: (PQ: INT 15+, Photographic Memory) You receive a +3 competence bonus on all Knowledge skill checks in which you are trained, and may make Knowledge checks even untrained. General intelligence checks involving remembering facts are made at a +5 bonus. Wizards with this feat can prepare spells from a spellbook much faster than those without, and only need five minutes to prepare their daily allotment of spells. (These bonuses replace those of Photographic Memory). Empathy: (PQ: Sense Motive +2 or more ranks) The character can determine someone's emotional state at a glance with a successful sense motive check. The character also gets +2 to bluff and diplomacy checks. Feint: (PQ: Int 13+, Expertise, Base Attack 6+) The character adds his Int bonus to his attack bonus, it’s a full round action, and can only make one attack. Special: A fighter may buy this as a bonus feat. Lucky Photographic Memory: (PQ: INT 13+) You receive a +1 competence bonus on all Knowledge skill checks in which you are trained, and may make Knowledge checks even untrained (but at a -4 penalty.) General intelligence checks involving remembering facts are made at a +3 bonus. Wizards with this feat can prepare spells from a spellbook faster than those without, and only need thirty minutes to prepare their daily allotment of spells. Poison Craft: You are adept at the use and creation of natural toxins. This allows you to handle them with no chance of exposing yourself to the poison. In addition, you gain a +2 bonus to the Craft (poisonmaking) skill and a +2 to Alchemy checks to identify existing poisons. Power Charge: (PQ: STR 15+, Power Attack) You gain a +2 to attack and damage when charging. Reckless Attack: (PQ: Power Attack, STR 15+, Base 6+) You can lower your AC to add damage. The limit is your base. Rest on Armor: (PQ: CON 13+, Toughness) You can rest while wearing armor for 1 day per character level without suffering penalties. Shadow Plane Magic Shield Focus: (PQ: Proficient in the chosen type of shield, Base attack +3) The character masters the use of one type of shield. The chosen type of shield provides 1 point higher of AC bonus when used. Special: Each taking of this feat applies to a new shield. This feat can be taken as a fighter’s bonus feat. Toughness: +1 hp per level not retroactive, but include the level when you took this feat. Special: This Feat can be taken once when you have at least +2 Base Fort, another time when you have at least +5 Base Fort, and a last third time when you have at least +8 Base Fort. This feat replaces the one in the Player’s Handbook and all other HP feats. Trade Master: You are skilled at a variety of mundane tasks or possibly just had training in many different fields as a child. As a result, you tend to learn quickly and pick up many different skills. When you take this feat, you gain +6 skill points from the class whose level you just gained. Thus, if you gained a fighter level, you now have 6 more skills points to spend on the skills and cross-class skills of a fighter, modified by any abilities you might have (such as the Cosmopolitan feat) that would allow you access to different skills. Special: This feat can be taken multiple times. Twin Shot: (PQ: Ambidexterity, Base +1) You can use one crossbow or pistol one size smaller in each hand with only a -2. Two Handed Power Strike: (PQ: STR 15+, Power Attack, Base +3) You can add twice your Strength instead of the normal one and a half for two handed large weapons. Wild Talent: You are blessed with the Gift. You may never have known it, and your powers may be small, but at some point in your career you discovered that you had the ability to manifest limited psychic potential. You gain one power point and discover one first level power from the psion power list (you must be able to manifest the power; if you received a telepathic power, you will need a charisma score of at least 11). By taking this feat, you may qualify for some of the other psionic feats. Zen Skill: (PQ: WIS 13+; 4 ranks in a skill or the combination of Skill Focus and 1 rank in a skill) You may replace the ability score associated with a certain skill with your WIS modifier. This feat is named after the skill it becomes associated with; for example, someone can take Zen Climbing to replace his STR ability modifier for climb with his WIS modifier. This feat has no effect on skills that are already based on wisdom. Special: The Zen Skill feat may be taken multiple times, with a different skill chosen each time.
: This does not have any real mechanics benefits. Its just that once an adventure something good happens to the character. For example: If the character is about to swim across a river he finds a boat hidden in the reeds.
: As the Shadow Weave Magic feat from the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, except this energy is drawn from the Plane of Shadow.