Wizard and Sorcerer Exclusive Feats:
Planar Sympathy Planar Tamer: Can try to cast normally unusable spells in a plane (e.g. water based spells in the plane of fire) and to avoid using keys for normally locked spells (such as neutral good or evil aligned spells in Mechanus) with a successful Will save check of 30 and 20 respectively. If the check isn’t made the spell is cast and resolved normally. Elemental Mastery Reduce Spell Area [Metamagic]: When this feat is used a spell can have its area of effect reduced by any amount of the original area, but always retains his original shape. This is not as much a disadvantage as it seems when firing fireballs in a 10' x 10' corridor. A reduced spell uses up no slots level higher than normal. Signature Spell [Metamagic]: This feat is only open to wizards and the wizard must start with a 1st level spell and work upwards. Specialists may also buy this feat, but they must buy the spell from their specialty school. The character may only buy this feat once per spell level the character can cast (except 0-level spells). The wizard chooses one spell from that level to be a signature spell and gains one extra spell slot in the appropiate spell level for use with that spell. That spell slot cannot be used for anything else (i.e. metamagic feats) and he cannot leave it open for later. The wizard may apply a number of casting levels worth of metamagic feats to the spell equal to his Int bonus (up to his maximum casting level. A 20th level wizard with 19 Int can apply +4 metamagic level to those signature spells of 5th or lower level, 3 metamagic levels to his 6th level signature spell and so on). Special: A wizard with a signature spell often becomes notorious for his use of the spell. Everyone recalls stories of the transmuter who polymorphed folks into frogs, or the fire mage who threw fireballs left and right. The DM should encourage the player to develop his character's motivations for becoming so skilled with one particular enchantment. Recoverable Spell [Metamagic]: Popular among casters who travel the planes, this feat allows the caster to recover the use of a spell that was impossible to cast due to planar conditions (fire spells in the plane of water, for example). The character cannot recover a spell cast at a target that is immune to that type of spell nor does it allow the recovery of a spell that is reduced in power because of environmental conditions. It uses a spell slot one level higher than normal. Hide Spell [Metamagic]: When this feat is used a spell becomes totally undetectable by the senses. It still has its normal effects (a fireball still explodes for damage, but the heat, sound, and light cannot be detected by normal means). A monk or rogue cannot evade this spell if he can’t be aware of what’s coming (a Hidden Fireball could be evaded, if for example, the rogue made a Spellcraft and learned that it was a fireball). The character must memorize it using a slot 2 levels higher.
: Cast spells as if two level higher in an Outer Plane of wizard's alignment.
: You master a particular element in the expense of his opposite. You can reroll all dices pertaining those spells, but you forget all spells from the opposed element and you’re unable to use or learning them in the future.