Planescape Monstrous Supplement
All formians are considered Lawful Monstrous Humanoids.
Name | Worker | Warrior | Taskmaster |
Size / Type
| Small
| Medium
| Medium
Hit Dice
| 1d8+1 (6)
| 4d8+8 (26)
| 6d8+12 (39)
| +2 (Dex)
| +3 (Dex)
| +7 (Dex, Feat)
| 40ft
Armor Class
| 17 (+1 Size, +2 Dex, +4 Natural)
| 18 (+3 Dex, +5 Natural)
| 19 (+3 Dex, +6 Natural)
| Bite +3 melee
| Sting +7 melee, 2 claws +5 melee, bite +5 melee
| Sting +10 melee, 2 claws +5 melee
| Bite 1d4+1
| Sting 2d4+3, claw 1d6+1, bite 1d4+1
| Sting 2d4+4, claw 1d6+2
Face / Reach
| 5ft by 5ft / 5ft
Sp. Attacks
| Hive mind
| Hive mind, poison
| Hive mind, poison, dominate person, dominated creature
Sp. Qualities
| Immunities, heal, resistances, make whole, outsider
| Immunities, SR 18, resistances, outsider
| Immunities, telepathy, resistances, SR 21, outsider
| Fort +1
| Ref +4
| Will +2
| Fort +3
| Ref +7
| Will +5
| Fort +4
| Ref +8
| Will +8
| Str 13
| Dex 14
| Con 13
| Str 17
| Dex 16
| Con 14
| Str 18
| Dex 16
| Con 14
Int 06
| Wis 10
| Cha 09
| Int 10
| Wis 12
| Cha 11
| Int 14
| Wis 16
| Cha 19
| Craft (2)+4, climb +4
| Climb +8, hide +8, listen +7, spot +6, move silently +8
| Climb +8, hide +9, listen +9, search +6, move silently +9, sense motive +9, spot +9
| Skill Focus (craft)
| Dodge, Multiattack
| Improved Initiative, Spell like ability focus (enchantment)
Climate | Arcadia
| Team (2-4) or crew (7-18)
| Solitary, team (2-4) or troop (6-11)
| Solitary or team (2-4)
Rating (CR)
| 1/2
| 3
| 7
| None
| None
| Standard
Alignment | Always Lawful Neutral
| 2HD (Medium)
| 5-8HD (Medium), 9-12HD (Large)
| 7-9HD (Medium), 10-12HD (Large)
| Myrmarch
| Queen
Size / Type
| Large
Hit Dice
| 12d8+48 (102)
| 20d8+100 (190)
| +8 (Dex, Feat)
| 0 (Dex)
| 40ft
| 0ft
Armor Class
| 28 (-1 Size, +4 Dex, +15 Natural)
| 23 (-1 Size, +14 Natural)
| Sting +15 melee, bite +13 melee; or javelin +15/+10 ranged
| ------
| Sting 2d4+4, bite 2d6+2; or javelin 1d6+4 and poison
| ------
Face / Reach
| 5ft by 10 ft / 5 ft
Sp. Attacks
| Hive mind, poison, spell like abilities, outsider
| Hive mind, spell like abilities, outsider
Sp. Qualities
| Immunities, resistance, SR 25, fast healing 2
| Immunities, resistances, SR 30, fast healing 2, telepathy
| Fort +8
| Ref +12
| Will +11
| Fort +11
| Ref --
| Will +19
| Str 19
| Dex 18
| Con 18
| Str --
| Dex --
| Con 20
Int 16
| Wis 16
| Cha 17
| Int 20
| Wis 20
| Cha 21
| Climb +8, craft +5, diplomacy +9, hide +10, knowledge (2) +8, listen +10, move silently +10, search +8, spot +9,
| Appraise +7, bluff +13, concentration +7, listen +15, knowledge (2) +13, diplomacy +12, scry +12, sense motive +12, spellcraft +12, spot +15
| Dodge, Improved Initiative, Mobility, Multiattack
| Alertness, Great Fortitude, Iron Will, 1 item creation feat, Spell Focus (enchantment), Quicken Spell
Climate | Arcadia
| Solitary, team (2-4), or platoon (1 plus 7-18 workers, 6-11 warriors)
| Solitary or hive (1 plus 100-400 workers, 11-40 warriors, 4-7 taskmasters, 5-8 myrmarchs)
Rating (CR)
| 10
| 18
| Standard
| Double Standard
Alignment | Always Lawful Neutral
| 13-18HD (Large), 19-24HD (Huge)
| 21-30HD (Huge), 31-40HD (Gargantuan)
Hive Mind (Ex): Any Formian within 50 miles of the hive queen is in telepathic contact with each other. No one is flanked, or flat-footed, unless all of them are.
Immunities (Ex): Immune to poison, petrification, and cold.
Resistances (Ex): Fire, electricity, and sonic resistance 20.
Make Whole (Ex): As a full round action, 3 workers can use Make Whole as a 7th level cleric.
Heal (Ex): As a full round action, 8 workers can use Cure Serious Wounds as a 7th level cleric.
Poison (Ex): Warrior and Taskmaster: Initial and secondary, 1d6 strength (DC 14 & 15); Myrmarch: Initial and secondary, 2d6 dexterity (DC 20)
Dominate Person (Su): Taskmasters can use Dominate Person on ANY creature up to large size (DC 19), as a 10th level sorcerer. They can dominate up to 4 creatures each.
Dominated Creature (Ex): Taskmasters are never alone. One dominated nonformian creature always accompanies it (around CR 4).
Telepathy (Su): Taskmasters can communicate telepathically with any creature within 100 feet. The Queen use this ability within 50 miles.
Spell-like Abilities: Myrmach can use at will – Charm Monster, Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, Detect Chaos, Detect Thoughts, Magic Circle against Chaos, and Teleport without Error. 1 per day – Dictum, and Order’s Wrath. All used as a 12th level sorcerer (DC 13+spell level).
The Queen can use at will – Calm Emotions, Charm Monster, Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, Detect Chaos, Detect Thoughts, Dictum, Divination, Hold Monster, Magic Circle against Chaos, Order’s Wrath, Shield of Law, and True Seeing. All used as a 17th level sorcerer (DC 15+spell level).
Spells: The hive Queen can cast as a 17th level sorcerer.
Outsider: Darkvision 60 feet, and can’t be raised or resurrected.
Melroch Eitheldor @ 2003