Druid Exclusive Feats:
Keeper of the Balance Planar Ally: Treated as native of power's plane or Outlands. Chain Spell [Metamagic]: When this feat is used the victim of this spell instantly generates a weaker version of that spell that strikes at the next available target. This repeats itself until the spell is weakened to nonexistence. When it strikes a foe, the victim becomes the center of a new spell that hits a new target and does either four die less damage (or for spells that only do a single die of damage: -4 damage/target) and is -8 DC (if applicable). This continues until some decreasing factor reaches 0 (0 die of damage, the penalty is too great that 0 damage is always done, or the DC is 0) or if all possible targets has been targeted already. This feat raises the spell level by 2. Great Health
: +2 to Attack, Damage, and AC when fighting with creatures of extreme alignment (LG, CG, LE, CE).
: (PQ: Con 13+) A character with this feat has an incredibility strong immune system and is capable of shrugging off or at least delaying the effects of many harmful chemicals/toxins. The character saves against poison and poison-like effects at a +4 and delays any effects from the toxins for double the standard time. Potions and the like, however, only last for half the duration they typically do for the same reason. In addition, the character heals at double the rate of normal during complete rest (2x character level).