Priest Exclusive Feats:
Faithful Fanatic Nearer to Thee Planar Ally: Character is treated like a native of his power's plane. Resist Temptation: As a standard action, the priest can grant all allies within 10' a +2 morale bonus to Will saves. Unbreakable Concentration [Metamagic]: (PQ: Concentration 4 ranks or more) If the caster uses this feat to memorize a spell, when he casts the spell his concentration cannot be broken short of death, immobilization, or silence (though the last two can be defeated by still and silent spell respectively). It requires a spell slot of 3 levels higher than normal. Signature Item: (PQ: 10th level or higher, Wisdom 15+) The character must pick an item that he has owned for an extended period of time and uses regularly (it cannot belong to someone else). The character must have it personalized. Once this is done the item gains special abilities. First, it makes all saving throws as if it were the wielder, if they are better than those for the item. Secondly, if the item is ever stolen the character may make a wisdom check vs. DC 20 to get a vision once per day of where the item is. Finally, if the item is ever destroyed (deliberate destruction, carelessness, and giving away the item do not count) then the character can buy a normal version of the item, have it made to look like the original and (if it is a magic item) spend the XPs as if the character created it and it will slowly gain the powers of the original (unless it is an artifact). The character may have one weapon, one piece of armor, one shield, and one miscellaneous magic item designated as a signature item, each one requires a different feat. If the character has multiple version of an item (for example, two Frost Brands) then and only then can the character select a second item from those categories.
: All spells cast by priest function as if he were a level higher; a gift for his devotion.
: Character has strong connection to his power; all penalties for being on other planes are lessened by one.