Ranger Exclusive Feats:
Animal Master Planar Defender: +2 to hit, damage, initiative, and AC when defending home plane from extraplanars. Plant Master Adaption: (PQ: Base 8+, Intelligence Int 13+) Every time the character buys this feat he may ignore one type of terrain when it comes initiative or combat bonuses. If the environment includes special saving throws or ability checks due to special situations then the character gets +3 to those checks. All movement penalties are halved. This does not affect non-combat environmental factors, or conditions physically impossible to overcome. It has no effect on magical or penalties based on vision or lighting. For example: A character takes this for underwater fighting, he then suffers no initiative or combat penalties, but cannot use slashing or bludgeoning weapons without penalty and still have to find a way to breathe. Weapon Balance: (PQ: Two Weapon Fighting, Dex 15+, Base 4+) You no longer suffer the half strength damage with your off-hand. Threatening Aim: (PQ: Rapid Shot, Lightning Reflexes, Point Blank Shot, Base +3) You threaten a 5 feet area with your missile weapon, assuming it can be reloaded as a free action (normal bows and loaded crossbows). Sure Aim: (PQ: Base 3+, Weapon Focus (ranged weapon)) You can aim for successive rounds gaining +1 per round (up to +3) for one attack.
: Character can communicate telepathically with animals of one type.
: Character can communicate semi-empathically with plants, and control them with Will check at DC 25.