Paladin Exclusive Feats:
Fiend Slayer: +3 to hit and damage versus Fiends. Gift of the Archons Holy Assistance Holy Defender: When on Deity’s Plane, gains +2 AC and +3 to all saves. In addition, when on Deity's Realm, gains +4 AC, and +5 to all saves, and became immune to any effect that would make him leave his post or go against his orders. Improved Expertise: (PQ: Combat Expertise, Base +6, Dex 15+) As expertise, but now you’re limited by your base attack bonus. Riposte: (PQ: Dodge, Combat Reflexes, Base +6) When the character chooses the Total Defense Action (pg. 127 of the PH) he can make an standard attack action with a -4 penalty and retain the AC bonus, but he cannot move during this time (not even a 5 foot step). Improved Blind-Fight: (PQ: Blind Fight) You halve the miss chance any opponent has against your attacks (this stacks with the reroll if you miss that blind-fight gave you).
: Possesses angelic wings, movement 30', and average maneuverability. Became a native of Mount Celestia plane.
: May gate in 1 lantern archon per character level per week, remaining 10 rounds, plus 1 round per charisma modifier.