Barbarian Exclusive Feats:
Planar Nomad: Gains +4 to save from local planar effects. Planewalker Barbarian Increase Speed Painful Retreat: (PQ: Combat Reflexes) You gain an attack of opportunity against any opponent fleeing from your threat area (only leaving with a 5 foot step don’t trigger this ability). This assumes that you haven’t done one attack of opportunity against him in the same rounds and you still have some attacks of opportunity available. Improved Power Attack: (PQ: Str 15+, Power Attack, Base Attack +12 or better) For every point the character lowers his base attack, he gets +2 to damage (the character still cannot do more damage than his base attack bonus). Special: This feat may be bought as a fighter's bonus feat. Fast Healer: Once the character is wounded he will heal back 1 hit point one hour later. The character also adds his positive Constitution bonus (minimum 1) to their hit points healed per day. Death Blow: (PQ: Str 15+, Cleave, Great Cleave, Power Attack, Base Attack bonus +15 or better) The character may instantly kill an opponent in a single blow as long as he fulfills the following conditions: The opponent must have half or less (rounded down) HD/levels than the character; The opponent must make a fortitude check vs. DC 15 + STR Modifier; The character must be able to damage the creature in normal combat.
: (PQ: Base attack +3 * (number of this feat you already have)) Enduring the natural conditions of the planes has made you more resistant, but not only to climate. Benefit: You gain a natural 3/+1 damage resistance. This bonus is accumulative with the Barbarian ability (so a barbarian with 2/- and this feat, will reduce 5hp from normal weapons and 2 from all others). This feat could be taken multiple times, each time it increases the reduction in another 2/+(1/2) (so it starts with 3/+1, 5/+1, 7/+2, 9/+2, 11/+3, and so on).
: (PQ: Dex 13+, Con 13+) You gain +10 feet to your speed. It can be taken only one time.