Monk Exclusive Feats:
Planar Attunement Iron Skin Mental Resistance: (PQ: Iron Will) Against any mind affecting spell or effect you get one save if none is normally allowed. Crushing Blow: (PQ: Str 13+, Dex 13+, Wis 13+, Base 8+, Concentration 2+) At the cost of a full round action the character may break up to 1/2" thick wood or 1/4" thick stone per level, if the character uses this in combat it adds +1 damage per level. Expert Grappler: (PQ: STR 13+, DEX 15+, Weapon Focus (unarmed strike)) You may add your DEX modifier in addition to your Strength modifier to all Grapple checks. Greater Dodge: (PQ: Lightning Reflexes, Dodge, DEX 13+) The character gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC. Quick Dismissal: (PQ: Natural SR) You can lower your SR as a free action. It remains lowered until your next turn.
: If monk meditates for 6 hours per degree of difference in his alignment with the plane’s alignment (most of the effects of the elemental planes can’t be avoided, and those planes are always considered as worst-case scenario), he became a native of that plane, avoiding all natural effects that don’t affect natives.
: You gain a +2 natural bonus to your AC. Only once, but it stacks with any natural armor bonus from race or template.