Rogue Exclusive Feats:
Blood Warrior Planewalker Rogue Armored Stalking: (PQ: Dex 13+) You suffer only one half the standard armor check penalty associated with skills. This applied before the Armor SPecialization feat and stacks. Paranoid Sleeper: (PQ: Listen +2) The character can make listen checks at anytime when he is asleep. The character will awake instantly and will be ready for combat. Improved Dodge: (PQ: Dexterity 15+, Dodge, Mobility) You get an extra +2 dodge bonus to your AC against the same target you used Dodge. Nondetection: (PQ: Hide 13+) When the character makes a successful hide check he is shielded as if he used the 3rd level arcane nondetection spell. Double-jointed: The character has a +3 to his escape bonds checks. The character may also perform feats of contortion and can fit in smaller spaces than other people (DM's judgment).
: Character is a veteran of the Blood War. Gains +2 to AC, attack, and damage in battle with one type of Fiends.
: This feat allows a character to strike at the weaknesses of planar entities that can only be harmed by magical weapons, but not in the same way fighters do. Benefit: When performing an sneak attack on creatures with natural damage reduction they can subtract one d6 per each point of difference between his weapon and the necessary enchantment to bypass the reduction, if he choose to do so, the resistance is ignored for this sneak attack (E.g. a rogue with a longsword +1 against a creature with 20/+3 natural damage reduction, could sacrifice 2d6 of his sneak attack ability (assuming he HAS at least 2d6 in that ability), to ignore the damage reduction). The number of die to subtract is determined automatically if the character chooses to use this ability (he doesn’t need to bet how many die he must drop in order to ignore the damage reduction). If he can’t pay the amount of die needed the ability fails, and the hit is resolved normally.