Bard Exclusive Feats:
Priestly Magic Song of {Alignment}: Character chooses one aspect of his own alignment (chaos, law, good, evil, neutrality) and learns that song; those who do not possess this aspect suffer a -2 luck penalty to all dices while the player sings. (15 feet + (Level * CHA modifier) radius). Song of Battle: Character can sing (as a standard action) to grant allies +2 to attack, damage, armor class, and initiative. (15 feet + (Level * CHA modifier) radius, once per day). This song lasts as much as the Bard continue singing up to Level * CHA modifier rounds. Glibness: The character gets a +2 modifier to influencing NPC attitudes. In addition, the final reaction is always shifted over one place in the character's favor (hostile/threatening/indifferent/friendly). Obscure Knowledge: (PQ: One knowledge skill at +4) The character gets +2 to all his knowledge checks and can pull up the strangest pieces of trivia that very few people even specialized in that field may know. Captivate: (PQ: Charisma 15+, 6th Level) Most of the time people pay attention to the character. Children, members of the opposite sex, and other members of the same or similar class who share one common element in alignment tend to be friendly to the character. People form attachments to the character if he stays in an area for an extended period of time. This may cause problems as they try to impress him (or others using the character's name), take things from him, or try to tag along with him. Musical Ability
: Character may cast Priest Orisons in addittion to Cantrips.
: The character gets +2 to all perform checks and has some measure of fame in the local area, and can generate the same amount of fame when they perform in another area (and can generate greater than normal revenue).