11/15/00 15:04:55
| Comments: Well I am can't resist putting some comments on Aidan's page. Anyone who hasn't seen Bernie Hayes should do so immediately (especially you charlotte) since he is an amazing artist. God frickin damn brilliant. I just got home from one of his gigs (free mind you) 4 hours of music free, Listen to Triple J This Arvo (The 16th) Since Something For Kate are doing their Oz music classical |
| Comments: Well I am can't resist putting some comments on Aidan's page. Anyone who hasn't seen Bernie Hayes should do so immediately (especially you charlotte) since he is an amazing artist. God frickin damn brillian. I just got home from one of his gigs (free mind you) 4 hours of music free, Listen to Triple J This Arvo (The 16th) Since Something For Kate are doing their Oz music classical |
| Comments: Comments eh ? Why doesn't someone else sign this book ? I really don't have a lot of comments but I have some vague sentiments. I reckon that music is good. Booze is good. I like the shelias. Anyway I am playing a triumpant return home (ok I am hitching a ride back in a cattle truck) but its less than a month until I finish. Its all good really |
| Comments: Well back in the big smoke pretending yet again that I am a nice person. Hard work. Turning takes such effort though. Anyway to all those who I didn't see in the holidays: go to a real bloody uni so you get real holidays. Or if you don't go to uni I don't give a shit what you do or think so .... Anyway next time I write something in here I'll try and be less bitter. Yeah or not |
| Comments: kick arse page |
| Comments: *leans back in chair has another sip of his Cubano and sighs* Crap. Finance can bite my penis. I hate all exams. Recently I have been complaining about my turn. I am not going to say anything more however since nobody cares (least of all the people invovled) Anyway I am coming back to the land of the living dead fri ay at which point I am sure you'll all be in Brisbane. Aww well I might visit. They have women in Brisbane don't they ??? *leans back drinks more Cubano and sighs again* |
| Comments: Hi guys!! I'll be home on the long weekend so see you then maybe. Got any goss? Apparently Clarissa is one step off being manager of an Insurance Company in the city- thats what she told me anyway. Oh, yeah, it's true!!!???!!! Hey- has Katie gotton over he 'Mystrey Virus'? Maybe it was caused by an over-excessive obsession with a homie-pants wearing, huby'd, loves-himself asshole. We all know who that is. See you all soon, unless I get killed by a terrorist bomb in the Olympics first!! |
| Comments: How many years must a freak live before he dies? |
| Comments: |
| Comments: Prepare yourselves, my followers for the revolution has come! Our flags will soon fly over all government buildings, and our faces soon adorn the coins of every nation! All will bow before us, or all will be destroyed! Welcome to the New World Order |
| Comments: Anyone know Cowan's email address?- strangly I want it. (Not you Coo-an just your address!) Email it to me via igor_ck@hotmail.com anyone who knows Cowan's email address and know's my work email address can send it to me there. Thanks Uni bludgers! |
| Comments: hello guys! Home for a couple of days and thought I'd drop a line....oops there it goes. HA ha. Hope you're all doin' well- you know Grafton just isn't the same as when we were all here- I meanit smells alot better for starters- there aren't so many ravin loonies running around and there have been no more Elvis sightings (due to Simon now studying in Sydney the Elvis sightings there are up by 50%!) Miss you all- may see you in the next holidays if I can suck up to my boss enough! Stay cool and always reme ber Igor! |
| Comments: I have completed my turn and have turned again, fiercly, on Katie (as well as those others whose names need not be mentioned). Good to recieve correspondance from people. People who read this will be interested (yeah right) that I have now completed my ep c adventure called the Story of Silk. it has taken years but I finally got off my arse and finished it. Hopefully I can get the owner of this fine establishment to put it on the page. |
| Comments: I hate stupid org comm...its assignment sux...what the fuck is agrinet supposed to be anyway? fuck it all |
| Comments: Well. This has been bloody fun hasn't it. Anyone else love being at home by yourself friday nights cause I sure do. One of these days I will tune SUCCESSFULLY. To those 2 ladies I have turned on (who should know who they are by now) I appreciate greatly y ur invitations (or lack thereof) ring any bells anyone?????. I start back soon (won't that be fun??) I am going to try something I have never done before. The next chick I am after I am going to tell straight up at least then I aint gonna be jerked around Anyone those who I talked to Grafton was good. Needed more booze and a lot more sex but hey next time boys? Booze On Tune Hard Coo-an |
| Comments: Hi all!! See Dan, I'm catching up via Aidan's page!! I had to scamper down to my local library to be able to get onto the internet- but at least the local government is paying for it, and not me!! Sydney sux. There are way too many people here for me!! I ant to move back home- anyone else feel the same way? I miss all you guys. Hope UNI is fun for you all and you haven't lost too many brain cells!! Ta ta and be good! Love IGOR |
| Comments: |
| Comments: Hello everyone. I a currently building my movie empire. Stay tuned for my movies that are coming soon, Roo Must Die and the disaster movie epic, Glacier - it' coming for you... very slowly |
| Comments: |
| Comments: kewl page!!! |
| Comments: I really like this place. |
| Comments: BOOZE IT UP. Gday kiddies welcome to playschool. My idea for a perfect new TV show. Its called changing partners (Like changing rooms and backyard blitz) basically two couples have 24 hours to have sex with as many different parnters as they can. And anot er one teen drunks. Follow their antics as they find new ways to get drunk and even dumber stuff (Letters to Natalie Portman???) Booze on Boys Coo-an |
| Comments: Hey people... I thought everyone will be keeping in touch with each other through Aidan's guestbook??? Haven't seen much keeping touch. Remember the above email address can reach not only me but Allan and Brucey (not that you would want to keep in touch with Brucey) But sucked in I live with him... oh hang on... that's a bad thing..."What's that Brucey? You love Foetus's? Yuk you sick bas ard" Anyway cya's soon -Dan |
| Comments: Hey I thought i'd be ever so nice & sign this cuz you signed mine!I guess i'll say your a really awesome guy even if you dont like little girls lol! |
| Comments: Hello. I really didn't mean the Aardvark thing. I really want to be a Hippopotomous but I'm not horny enough. Hope Uni is good for you all. BE GOOD! |
| Comments: |
| Comments: Ah! Behold the might Kelvinator nation, the third Reich of the mighty white goods dynasty. Come my fellow mortal beings, accept your frige and washing machine as your rightful overlords. It is thy destiny. There are of course benefits in laying down before the march of your dishwasher. They shall make sure we live comfortably... I assure you!!! But it is there rightful place above us... You must believe. Come, join the revolution! The system of society as i is, is just terribly inefficient. Join with me in proclaiming white good supremacy. We can live in a better world ruled by our whitegood overlords, and peaceful world without hunger or crime... just think, it will be equality for all. Yes, it is like com unism, but this is the way it will work! So, join in on the chant, "Follow Your Fridge"! Viva la Revolution |
| Comments: Ah! Behold the might Kelvinator nation, the third Reich of the mighty white goods dynasty. Come my fellow mortal beings, accept your frige and washing machine as your rightful overlords. It is thy destiny. There are of course benefits in laying down before the march of your dishwasher. They shall make sure we live comfortably... I assure you!!! But it is there rightful place above us... You must believe. Come, join the revolution! Viva la Revolution |
| Comments: Friggin' great |
| Comments: To which. I like bread makers and chilli to which much humorouse things are, like wimon who like bread and humour, and to which blinky does not, to which his girlfriend does. To which I have had sex with blinky's girlfriend 18 times in one day |
| Comments: What are YOUR comments? |
| Comments: I have comments? Err.. I guess not? So, bye? See you next time? |
| Comments: Hello, everyone (how boring). I'm actually Dr. Evil's daughter. As in, Scott Evil's sister. But, because I look exactly like him, you can say I'm his twin. But only if you want to. Then again, the decision lies with me. So, I telling you to call me his tw n because I somehow like that title better. |
| Comments: Dude this is pretty cool eh. Anyone who I like can email me but anyone who I don't know or hate please bugger off now thankyou |
| Comments: Hello, I am Professor Richard Hastings from the United Kingdom: read my new book entitled "How I became a Homosexual and other tales of sexual deviance"...what's that Vicki? You want to go to bed? Well of cour...no, wait! Oh, Yogi, I hear you - I'm coming I'm coming! Jimbo, this is my room! Oh wait, it's yours too...sorry... |
| Comments: I reserve the right to walk down the hallway in my towel as often as I wish, and this also includes the right to sit in the loungeroom, legs apart, wearing only the aforementioned towel. I will endeavour to be the most annoying and controlling freak of a lat mate as possible. I can gargle while walking up and down the hallway if I want. I don't care what you say Dan, I can touch you wherever I want, the house is in my name, and so is the bank account. I will have my way with you if I wish.... |
| Comments: Life is peachy in the big city of Brisbane... How is everybody else in there respective new home towns? Hey Igor, check your mail! |
| Comments: Beware I _really_ am out to get you [cue manical laughter] Ware boy! |
| Comments: It aint all sunshine! There is pain in victory too you know! At least i may sleep in peace at night, now that I know that I shall be leaving this shallow pit, into which I have fallen, unable to scramble up the side for 11 years! For all you people who ar staying here any longer, here is an appropriately extended maniacal laugh. Bwahahahahabwahahahahahahahahahahahahahh hhhaaah hha aahaha ahbwaahhhaaahaha!!!!!!!!!! Keep safe and don't cross the footbridge at night. If you come my way, there may be some flo r space available for you to sleep on . . . Kisses!! Ciao..... ~~~~AL~~~~ |
| Comments: Hey Nessy I figured I'd better sign your book since I haven't since the 6th March '99. Oh well there ya go. The new main page looks great - pity about the rest though... do something with the whole lot and you'll have one hell of a page. Do you like the c ffin on my page? :o) Cya! |
| Comments: Wondeful, keep up the good work and remember "One day a young man on acid realised that all matter is purely energy condensed into a slow vibration, we are all one concsious experiencing itself subjectively. There's no such thing as death, life is only a dream with an imagination of ourselves". Here s Tom with the Weather!! |
| Comments: Hell is other people and all of them are you |
| Comments: Oooh ah! |
| Comments: Great |
| Comments: This is my final goodbye......as of 30th January, Igor will no longer abide in this tiny, outback, cess-pool of a hick country town. That is right....on the 30th I am moving to Sydney!! So farewell to all my buds and I'll keep you updated on Aidans page ! Love you all. REMEMBER: for those who still posess "Igor's Free Sex" tokens, they can be redeemed at your local street corner or call Ricky on 0419 666 314. BYE BYE!! |
| Comments: Big Fat Har RULES!!! |
| Comments: |
| Comments: Great site bud! |
| Comments: Kool page Keep up tha good work ] : ) |
| Comments: This guestbook is sadly empty. What's the matter, NTM, run out of friends? Ha ha :) |
| Comments: Aiden, you have far and away too much time on your hands.. that is some piss funny graphics |
| Comments: I think ur one hell of a nut! hehehe keep up the good work.. great page. better than mine, damn u make me look boring. :P |
| Comments: My job here is to inform everyone about the end coming sooner than expected. This may seem like a joke but I am totaly serious. I know for a fact that the world is going to burn for eternity with all sinners upon it. The only way I believe to get away f om it all, is to kill myself. But, I don't even know if that is going to work. I am scared along with many others. Since I have studied Satanism, strange things occour. I need help. |
| Comments: The home of ALCOR is updated and currentley rules as. it is excellent.visit it or i'll visit you!! |
| Comments: I fear that in 5 months that there will be a terrible reckoning with the Brucey Monster... Help my mother give birth in a place away from this perverted, dandruff bearer, wrinkly skined, bra-unclipper, that is known as Brucey |
| Comments: I am not in any way at all receiving any money, namly 1.2 million $, from the makers of 'Oak a soft drink it ain't'. They are not paying me in any way to make favourable comments about their wonderful drink 'Oak' while online. I deny all allegations and I refuse to make any comment until I have spoken to my lawyers. |
| Comments: Hi |
| Comments: My name is Fred. I feel it is my duty as a humane member of this species (which shall remain unnamed) to inform you of the extreme benefits involved in consuming fishheads for breakfast. Thats right folks, fishheads. Not only will they.. ...do good stuff or you, but they taste great too! So..eat up, I always have, and look whats happened to me! Bye now. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. |
| Comments: I wish that you, Colin, would just fuck of and live your own life. i think that you are a stupid fuckwit and in desperate need of a root. Then, and perhaps only then, wil you not be so fucking uptight about your slut girlfriend. Just casue you found th s web page doesn't give you the righ to sigh the guest book. that is resevered for people who don't like to touch-up little children (and Bruecy, we'll let him in). You can just fuck off and not stop to smell the fucking flowers you sick, twisted child olesting, sacrificeing, sad, arse-fucking, wanking, voting labour, cunt. I will personally see to it that you will feel the thud when you hit the ground if you mess with this page again. you are a real fuck-up that should just go back to where ever it i that you where thrown out on child molesting charges and stay there. if you choose to be heard or see of again, expect to be hurt in a way you never felt possible. Now, FUCK OFF!!!! You are seriously fucked in the head |
| Comments: Aidan I want you to stay away from my woman, got it?!?!?!? Jan doesn't like you, Richy and Allan anymore so stay away. I don't want you talking to her anymore ok. Oh, and by the way, your page sucks! Colin, you should have realised y u're a prick by now. The fact you haven't shows that you're a lot stupider than even we realised. Never in my life have I been civil to a sexual deviant, and I'm not about to start. Colin you are possible the most disgusting, pathetic, insignifican , laughable, vomit inducing, petty, small minded, slimy waste of oxygen it has ever been my misfortune to encounter. You make me sick, and I advise all parents to lock up their ten year olds when you're on the prowl! Get fucked, dickhead! I wouldn't touch you with a ten foot barge pole, hell I wouldn't even piss on you if you were on fucking fire! And mate - maybe my page sucks, but at least my name isn't as stupid as Colin! |
| Comments: Alas poor Yorick, I knew him Horatio! Curse fate that gave thee to the Moor! Tomorrow and tomorrow, creeps in this petty pace: Romeo, Romeo where for art thou Romeo?Shouldn't you be dead? Or is this another Wil Shakespeare? |
| Comments: Oh, Azrael...you're much better than that Dawson guy...I'd go you in a second...oh, control my raging hormones... |
| Comments: Oh, Azrael, last night was...wonderful... |
| Comments: mmm...I just love hot Australian guys, especially you, Azrael... |
| Comments: This web page rocks |
| Comments: Kitley was too young or what is it now, they're too young or can't he get it up. Groovy page Aidan. |
| Comments: You've done well my student but next to come is the test of all tests |
| Comments: hello Peoples. I am back after a long and trying honeymoon with Woozlewaza in which we got up to strange and mystifying things with a gerbal, some lima beans and a bottle of Kirsch. Needless to say things got a little sticky! |
| Comments: Mr duyrea is hot, he gives me head when I'm down. It makes me feel good, he is my paedophile in shining armour! He gets me soooo horny with his great big beer gut and miniature penis. it is so compact, you might call it bite size. Another great root is Bl nky's lovely hair. i love to spoof on it. i must go now as mr simmons wants me to go down on him. I AM GETTING LUCKY TONIGHT |
Good work, congratulations....
| Comments: got to my page!!! here is a poem: Green, smooth, wet lilac painted tree Khombi van Poncho-like elegant summer dancing pole A pale, shedding vile frequent hat pin Staring with menace and paper-thin anguish Moonlit boulevard slinking eastward Mongoose striding in yellow indifference Pilfering plentied puce ordered mandarins Conquer Mongols', eagle-patterned furniture |
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| Comments: I need some sweet lovin' Aidan, bring it on!!! |
| Comments: Azrael is such a charismatic character, there should be more of him and less of that puncy NTM!!! |
| Comments: you are really gay and you lick satan's ball |
| Comments: Heyyyyyyy. I like what you've done to the page. Sorta. It's different. But I like it. Sorta. I guess change is a good thing. Sorta. I'll get over it. Soon. Well, sorta soon. *LOL* Just had to check up on you, ya know? *weg* Can't letcha get away, cutie. * IG hugs and kisses and nibbles*. Sorta. ;) |
| Comments: Bloddy Brilliant web site here Aidan |
| Comments: Kudos to you sir, Kudos |
| Comments: Look's good you stupid puke infested waste of space, loser who would prefer to spend time typing with one hand than enjoying the properties of the phisical world. cya |
| Comments: Azrael you are just so funny! I wish every guy was as charming as you! |
| Comments: Why did Aidan cross the road? Beats me! |
| Comments: Well my friends, reading NTM's guestbook hey? Now that you maybe thinking of leaving this site, go to www.geocities.com/Paris/Maison/5116/ this site offers free porn for everyone who simply signs their name. i found that it is great when starting a porn collection. Go now rating ***** |
| Comments: Back again. Just thought I'd pop in and do a little housework!! Mind if I just made you bed.....NTM what the hell is this? It better not be a cond..... EEEWWW IT IS!! You sly dog you! |
| Comments: Oh, so long since I've confessed NTM. But see, I have done it, I have rid myself of all that doth stain me (except that coffee mark on the front of my toga). Good riddence to 3 unit I do say, and behold I see the light.........or maybe that's just my desk lamp reminding me I have a bio assessment tomorrow. I'm off, oh great one, (and so too is that chicken hanging above the alter, please remove it before I return, or I'll have Mrs NTM onto you!! |
| Comments: Looks really cool i like what you did with it it is a big improvement to your old page. or so i think anyway. BEEFCAKE BEEFCAKE |
| Comments: I want to bite your neck to pieces... Aidan this is weird! What do dustbusters have to do with satanic stuff? |
| Comments: Lovely, just lovely. |