Introduction and News
Zulu Hotel Newspaper.
Getting Started
Zulu Review
Official Mesg Board
The Races
The Classes
The Staff
Donate to your world
Note to Cheaters
Inside Zh
ZH Chronicles
ZH Info Vault
The Guilds
The Rpers
ZHUO Mesg Board
Shot of ZhC
Zuluuo Community
Setting up a POL
Staff________________(Page still under construction) |
Zuluhotel has a very competent legion of staff members whose duty it is
to make your stay at our server as comfortable as we possibly can.
Developer |

The developer will be seen from time to time, but are mostly in the the
game testing scripts. If they have time, they will offer assistance, but that is not their
main duty. Developer
Zulu - Head Developer
Lothian - Developer
Administrator |

It is the duty of the administrators to handle any and all scripting
issues. Most of the admins also have alternate characters that do not show a
"GM" title but have GM powers, so watch what you do around people. In a dispute,
the admins' word is final, with Zulu's word being final over all.
Kieri - Head Administrator
Anubis - Administrator
Erik - Administrator
Alcatraz - Administrator
Gamemaster (GM) |

It is the duty of Gamemasters to handle all in-game assistance beyond the
powers of the Counselors. When an administrator is not present, the GM has the final word
in any dispute.
Amroth - Head Game Master
Wonderland - Game Master
Lynx - Game Master
Orion - Game Master
Tabris - Head Gm of the Rpers
Ayden - Game Master
Israfil - Game Master
Seer |

It is the duty of Seers to create in-game quests. You may see them from
time to time, they will be busy setting up quests. It is not their duty to offer
assistance, but if they have free time they often do.
None at the moment
Counselor |

The Counselors of Zuluhotel are there to answer any questions you may have
about the game. They will be the first to answer your requests for help, and if they
cannot do it alone, they will call a GM. If no other staff member is present, Counselors
have the final word in disputes.
Erricus - Counselor
Navar - Counselor
Tracid - Counselor
Protocol |
Staff members, like anyone else, have certain rules and guidelines they
must follow. These are listed here: 1) Staff members will not replace looted or
stolen items.
2) Staff members will not raise stats upon request.
3) Being a member of the staff is a large responsibility and staff members are
expected not to abuse their powers.
4) All staff MUST wear their staff robes at all times and they are NOT allowed to
change the color of them.
5) GMs are not to jail people without a proper examination into the issue. Use your
best judgement in a dire situation.
6) Staff member player accounts are not to receive any houses, items from players.
7) Staff will NOT dye / rename weapons, clothing, animals or items for ANY reason.
8) Staff are allowed to run staff website, but are forbidden to set rules and
Any staff member caught by an admin abusing their powers will be
jailed, banned, or have their account removed permanently. GMs that are being punished for
power abuse must be banned, as they can release themselves from jail. Only an admin can
punish another staff member. If you suspect a staff member of abusing their powers, please
report it to Zulu who will take it into serious